There are many unfortunate examples of nursing home abuse and negligence in Fort Lauderdale and other Florida communities. Examples of elder abuse include caregivers allowing residents to develop dehydration, malnutrition, or bed sores through neglect. Assault and battery as well fraud or forcing an elderly resident to hand over assets are also examples of elder abuse. Nursing homes hiring inadequate numbers of staff or undertrained staff can also be seen as an example of negligence.
There are laws designed to help seniors facing all of these issues, and the attorneys at Flaxman Law Group would like to be of assistance if you or a family member have faced any type of abuse or neglect in a care environment. Simply contact our law firm for a free, no obligation case review to discuss what options exist for you.
Seeking Compensation When Elder Abuse Happens in Fort Lauderdale or Your CommunityIf you find out that an elderly family member has been the victim of abuse or neglect, the last thing on your mind may be seeking legal advice. However, seeking legal advice is exactly what you should do. If negligence played a role in the abuse, you may qualify for compensation. This can be very important in helping you pay for:
Having financial resources in hand puts you in a better position to help a loved one overcome abuse and neglect. If you have a senior family member or friend in care and you believe that they are the victim of abuse and neglect, get legal advice immediately to find out what legal options exist to protect you and your family.
Why You Need a Personal Injury AttorneyThere are many avenues of recovery thanks to Florida laws, but proving and pursuing cases of elder abuse can be extremely challenging. In many cases, caregivers are protected by unions or powerful insurance companies and nursing home owners may be large companies with many resources (including legal departments). Even in serious cases of abuse, caregivers or nursing homes may try to deny that abuse has occurred or may try to deflect blame.
As a result of the challenges, it is important to retain attorneys with extensive experience and knowledge of personal injury and elder abuse laws and cases. The attorneys at Flaxman Law Group, for example, have more than sixty years of combined experience and a track record of recovering more than $100 million in court wins and settlements for thousands of abuse and personal injury plaintiffs across Florida. If you or a family member has suffered an injury due to neglect or injury, contact our law firm for a free, personalized case review. You can always reach our legal team by calling 866-352-9626 or by visiting our website.