Well-known for its Oleta River State, The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), and Biscayne Landing, North Miami is a vibrant community located close to Miami. The city boasts wonderful weather and plenty of green spaces. First established during the prosperity of the 1920s, North Miami remains an economically strong community and a great place to live. This suburban community features clean streets and safe neighborhoods for families and young professionals alike.
The best economy and surroundings, however, will not make a North Miami traffic accident any easier. Each year, visitors and residents of North Miami are injured in many types of traffic accidents, including motorcycle accidents. Motorcycle accidents can be especially tragic and can require substantial recovery time.
Many North Miami motorcycle accident victims assume that insurance will cover their injuries after an accident. Unfortunately this is not the case. In many cases, insurance carriers consider the immediate, direct costs of your accident. Part of the cost of repairing or replacing your motorcycle may be covered, for example, as well as the immediate costs of income loss and medical bills. However, insurance carriers often do not consider long-term costs, rehabilitative costs, and other costs associated with your accident. As well, many insurance carriers have caps on the amount of money that they will pay an accident of your type, even if your accident results in much larger losses. Any difference between the costs of your accident and the payout of your insurance company will have to be covered by you -- unless you work with a qualified North Miami personal injury attorney to negotiate with your insurance company to ensure a fair offer. A qualified South Florida attorney can also pursue liable parties to ensure that you get recovery from multiple sources. This can increase the chances that you will get fair compensation that covers most of the costs of your accident.
It's also important to consider that many insurance carriers consider some costs to be purely cosmetic or nonessential, and will often refuse to pay these costs, even if they are essential for your full recovery. For example, many North Miami motorcycle accidents result in severe burn injuries when the motorcycle fuel tank explodes or leaks. In these cases, facial surgery and skin grafts may in fact be essential for you to recover fully. In many cases, insurance carriers may not cover so-called cosmetic surgery, rehabilitation, or counseling, even though these services may be essential for you in order to recover fully from your injuries. A qualified North Miami personal injury attorney can help you get a fair settlement, ensuring that you can pay for more of these important costs without having to sell your assets or go into debt.
Unfortunately, many North Miami motorcycle accident victims end up with severe financial distress as well as injuries. In cases where insurance does not cover the full cost of an accident, plaintiffs may be required to pay for medical costs and other necessary costs out of their own pocket. Unfortunately, such costs can easily reach tens of thousands of dollars -- or even more -- above and beyond the payout of an insurance company. In many cases, plaintiffs do not have the resources to pay for this type of treatment out-of-pocket. In many cases, this places victims in a very unfortunate situation: they need to either liquidate assets in order to pay for medical care, or reduce the amount of medical care they receive -- even at the risk of not fully healing or recovering -- in order to reduce the financial burden of their accident. This is not a choice that you should ever have to make. If you have been in a motorcycle accident, contact the qualified legal team at the Flaxman Law Group to find out what types of recovery options are available to ensure that you have the financial resources necessary to recover from your injury.