Many on-the-job injuries and construction site injuries in South Miami and Florida involve heavy equipment. Unfortunately, these types of injuries and accidents can result in serious or permanent injury due to the size and force of heavy equipment.
If you have been injured in this way, it is important to get legal advice before making any decisions about your situation. If you would like to speak with a personal injury attorney to get a personalized and thorough evaluation about your case, contact Flaxman Law Group today at any time of the day or night to arrange for a free appointment.
Have You Sustained a Machinery-Related Injury in a Workplace Accident?If you have sustained a construction site or on-the-job injury involving heavy equipment, you may assume that you are covered by workers compensation in South Miami or your community. You may also assume that your injuries will be covered by health coverage. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In many cases, heavy equipment failures lead to serious or permanent injury such as amputations, fatalities, brain injuries, and other serious incidents. Often, insurance companies may undervalue claims or may deny claims due to the high cost of these types of payments. In fact, insurance disputes in South Miami and other communities are common outcomes after serious on-the-job injuries and construction site injuries involving heavy equipment.
How Legal Advice Can HelpYour best option is to consult with a personal injury attorney in your community before you speak with your insurance company or very quickly after your accident or injury. A personal injury attorney can evaluate your case, can tell you whether you have a claim, and can help you understand how much you are likely to pay in the long-term for your injuries. This puts you in an immediately stronger position to negotiate with insurance carriers and to understand how much money you will need to care for yourself and your family as you recover.
A personal injury attorney can also investigate the accident and can help you launch a legal claim if that is what you decide to do. Further, a personal injury lawyer can also negotiate with insurance carriers on your behalf, increasing the chances that you will get a fair settlement and fair insurance money for your injuries.
Flaxman Law Group is a full-service law firm with offices in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami. We serve the entire South Florida area and are we are proud that our attorneys have more than six decades of experience as well as a track record of securing more than $100 million on behalf of plaintiffs. We have worked on thousands of cases and have successfully resolved thousands of cases on behalf of our clients. We would like to speak with you about your concerns following your injury. You can reach us at any time through our phone lines at866-352-9626 or through our website. Our phone lines are staffed by live operator at all times, so even if you call in the middle of the night with your concerns you can speak to a live person. You will never reach an answering machine. Your initial consultation is also free and comes with no obligation, so you risk nothing by getting the facts about your case.