Hollywood Physical Neglect
When people put children or loved ones in daycare, assisted living facilities, or nursing homes, they expect that their friends and family members will get a high standard of medical care and everyday assistance. After all, the services are not free and the money spent on them is intended to go towards helping provide a high standard of care for people and children who require assistance. Unfortunately, each year thousands of elderly people, disabled individuals, and young children are seriously injured or physically neglected in care.
Do you feel that a loved one has been physically neglected while in care? Flaxman Law Group has helped many families get justice and compensation for these injuries, allowing families to provide a better standard of care for injured loved ones, elderly loved ones, or children. To find out what can be done in your case, you can always reach Flaxman Law Group for free, no obligation legal advice in a consultation
What is Physical Neglect?Physical neglect includes any action or lack of action that can affect a person’s physical well-being. Examples of physical neglect include:
- Not providing adequate food, water, clothing, and shelter
- Not providing adequate supervision
- Asking someone to be responsible for tasks that they cannot complete – for example, asking an ill elderly person to complete grooming tasks they cannot complete themselves
- Leaving a vulnerable person alone for long periods of time if the person or child cannot safely be left alone
Child injuries in Hollywood often result from physical neglect. In some cases, children die or suffer serious injury due to caregiver neglect. Nursing home abuse and negligence in Hollywood also can include physical neglect. This type of neglect can lead to injuries and even fatalities because a victim may not get the essentials of life or may end up injuring themselves because they do not get the assistance they need.
What You can doIf you suspect that physical neglect is taking place, seek answers. Unaddressed, physical neglect can lead to serious injury and risk for a loved one. You may wish to speak with a personal injury attorney in Hollywood or your community about the neglect to find out what can be done in your situation. Seeking a legal claim or pursuing other legal options can help you keep your loved one safe.
Flaxman Law Group attorneys have more than 60 years of legal and trial experience. They have worked with many families who have suffered loss and injury. In fact, the attorneys at Flaxman Law Group have already recovered more than $100 million in cases and settlements on behalf of clients and plaintiffs. In addition to filing legal claims, Flaxman Law Group has helped plaintiffs negotiate with insurance carriers and pursue other forms of justice. To find out what all your legal options are, contact Flaxman Law Group today for a free case evaluation and immediate legal assistance. Contact our compassionate and professional attorneys today to find out more about what Flaxman Law Group can do for you and your family.