North Miami Beach Unsafe Lane Changing Accidents
Millions of motorists across Florida make lane changes every day safely. Unfortunately, some drivers are negligent, distracted, or otherwise fail to take the simple precautions of signaling and checking for oncoming traffic before changing lanes. In these cases, these reckless drivers can cause fatal car collisions, severe broadside collisions, and other serious traffic accidents.
If you have been injured in a rear end shunt accident in North Miami Beach or any type of Florida car accident, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free case consultation. You may have a legal claim against the at-fault driver and their insurance company and you may be able to recover money that can help you pay for the many damages you may face after your crash. Our full-service law firm would be pleased to go over your options with you.
What Happens in Unsafe Lane Change Accidents in North Miami Beach and Florida?The consequences of unsafe lane changes can be severe, in part because these types of situations are so unexpected. In many cases, drivers don't have time to react or react instinctively by slamming on the brakes or by swerving, which can actually make the situation worse and can cause the accident to become a multiple vehicle collision. In these types of situations, there are many types of accidents that are possible, including:
- Rear end collisions
- Broadside crashes
- Front end crashes
- Rollover accidents
- Multiple vehicle accidents
Obviously, these types of crashes can be extremely serious and can lead to life changing, permanent injury.
Medical Costs After Lane Change AccidentsLane change accidents tend to be very serious. They often happen on highways where speed is a factor and they can include multiple vehicles or a high impact collision. As a result, these types of accidents tend to result in serious injuries, including:
- Amputation
- Fractures
- Disfigurement and scarring
- Brain injuries
- Paralysis
- Soft tissue injuries
- Internal injuries
- Whiplash
- Lacerations
- Burns
- Spinal cord injuries
The cost of these types of injuries can be catastrophic. It is not unusual for even a simple fracture to cost tens of thousands of dollars in lost income, medical testing, emergency room treatment, and more. A serious, permanent injury such as a brain injury can cost millions of dollars over the lifetime of an injured party as the person may need around-the-clock assisted living facility care, expensive medical treatments, expensive medical devices, nursing care, and more. While car accident insurance and medical coverage can help defray some of these costs, many patients and their families find that insurance often does not cover the full cost of injuries and families may be left paying tens of thousands of dollars or even more out-of-pocket.
Charles Flaxman of Flaxman Law Group has more than 10 years of experience in the insurance industry as well as more than 25 years of experience as a trial attorney. He and the rest of the attorneys of Flaxman Law Group understand how insurance companies operate and our knowledge of the court system and the insurance system can be put to work on your case to seek justice and compensation for you. To find out what Flaxman Law Group can do for you and to find out how much your potential claim may be worth, contact Flaxman Law Group today for a free, no obligation case consultation.