6 Key Facts About Pompano Beach Intersection Accidents

Intersection accidents in Pompano Beach can include T-bone shunt accidents, rear-end shunt accidents, head-on collisions, pedestrian accidents, and multiple-car crashes. Intersections are areas where many users of the road converge and there are multiple changes of direction. All of this can mean even simple mistakes can lead to serious collisions.

To prevent these types of crashes, consider these important factors of intersection collisions:

  1. It’s not always about right of way: A common cause of accidents at intersections has to do with cars not yielding right of way. This can be due to impatience, lack of understanding of right of way rules, and other factors. While it’s true that a driver who does not follow right of way rules will likely be found liable if they cause an accident, it is everyone’s responsibility to be safe at intersections. Expect the unexpected and don’t assume others are following the rules.
  2. Speed is a factor: Speeding is always dangerous, but it is especially dangerous at an intersection. If you can’t stop in time to react to a yellow light turning red, for example, you could find yourself in an intersection when other traffic is coming through.
  3. Distraction can be deadly at intersections: Texting while driving, talking on the phone, daydreaming, and other distractions are always dangerous, but they can be even more risky at intersections, where you have many users of the road all trying to head in different directions. It’s important to stay vigilant and to drive defensively so you can adjust your driving if another driver does something unexpected.
  4. Look out for trucks: Commercial trucks making turns need lots of extra space. Getting stuck between a wide-turning big rig and the curb can lead to a collision and keep in mind a truck driver may not see you if you’re along the side or behind the truck. Always give turning trucks more room to make wide turns.
  5. Visibility is important: Always signal your intentions if you’re planning on turning, even if you’re in a turning lane. When other drivers can see where you’re going, they can react appropriately. By the same token, avoid trying to go around a car stopped at an intersection if you can’t see the intersection clearly – the car in front of you may be allowing a pedestrian to pass or there may be another user of the road you may hit if you try to go around.
  6. Give yourself a cushion: Stopping well back behind the car in front of you gives you room to maneuver in case something unexpected happens. If a car crashes into your rear bumper, you’re also less likely to be pushed into the car in front of you if you give yourself some extra space.

What To Do If You’re in an Intersection Accident in Pompano Beach

If despite your best efforts you’re injured in an intersection collision in Pompano Beach and believe your crash and injuries were caused by a car defect or the actions of another driver, Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Pompano Beach car collision claims attorney. Our legal team has more than 60 years of combined experience and has already recovered over $100 million in settlements and trial wins for injured people just like you.