Dog Bite Prevention in Oakland Park

In Oakland Park and across South Florida, dog owners enjoy spending time with their pets. Yet in Florida in 2019, 1,268 claims were made to insurers resulting from dog bites. While many dogs are well-trained and docile, almost any animal can bite when provoked or when it is not correctly supervised.

Unfortunately, in dog attacks, it is children and minors who suffer the most. About half of American children will experience a dog bite during their childhood. Some of these are serious or even fatal, and many can be prevented.

Injuries From Dog Attacks

Injuries from dog bites can include:

  • Facial and head injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains and soft tissue injuries, including injuries to muscles and tendons
  • Complications, including infections
  • Emotional trauma
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Exposure to rabies and other serious illnesses
  • Fatalities

Children are more likely to suffer serious or fatal injuries. Due to their smaller size, it may be easier for dogs to reach their face and head, causing potentially devastating injuries. Children may also have less understanding of how to interact with dogs, which is why they are at risk.

Anyone who suffers a dog bite can face serious consequences. The pain and suffering caused by a dog bite can mean lost time at work and even hours spent in a hospital to get rabies shots and medical care. Scarring and injuries to muscles and the face can leave permanent injuries which impact a person’s quality of life.

Preventing Dog Bites

Both dog owners and Florida citizens at large can take steps to prevent dog attacks. If you are an owner, you can reduce the risk by:

  • Keeping your dog on a leash or contained in your home or in a fenced-in portion of your yard.
  • Supervising your dog closely when children or strangers are around.
  • Visiting your veterinarian regularly.
  • Reporting any aggression or changes in behavior in your dog to your vet.
  • Taking your dog to obedience classes.
  • Taking extra precautions if your dog shows any signs of aggression.
  • Properly socializing your dog.

If you are not a dog owner, you can help prevent dog bites by:

  • Properly supervising your children, especially around pets.
  • Teaching your children not to approach dogs or other animals and teaching them what to do in case of an attack.
  • Reporting any off-leash or dangerous dogs to the city.

What To Do if You are Bitten by a Dog in Oakland Park

If you have been bitten by a dog, try to get the contact information for the owner as well as details about the dog—including whether the animal is current on their vaccines. Seek medical care immediately, since you may need rabies inoculations and other treatment at once. You can also report the attack to local authorities to ensure other residents are not hurt by the same dog.

If you or your child have been bitten and injured by a dog and you would like to know if you have a claim, call Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) to schedule a free accident consultation with an Oakland Park dog bite injury claims attorney to discuss your situation.