Driving Safe This Thanksgiving Weekend
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s time to get serious about safe driving. With more people on the roads heading to friends and family and more parties in full swing in Hollywood and South Florida, it’s important to stay safe and to drive safely.
Here’s how:
1) Have everyone in your family sign drive focused and drive sober pledges.
We can all be a little more thankful around the holidays when our loved ones are safe and healthy. Since this time of year can mean an increase in fatigued driving, distracted driving, and DUI accidents in Hollywood and South Florida, make sure that no one in your family drives after drinking or drives when they are distracted. Thanksgiving is a good time to sit down and talk about the importance of family and why it’s important to drive safely at all times. When you’re making your own holiday arrangements, consider your ability to drive and leave the driving to someone else if you’re fatigued, distracted, or have been drinking.
2) Don’t overwhelm yourself with plans.
A very busy holiday season can mean more distractions and more fatigue, which can be deadly on the roads. If you are run ragged, consider leaving the driving to someone else. Carpool to holiday events or take the bus, train, or taxi. If you will be driving, give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination so that you’re not rushing or making mistakes because you are overwhelmed. Try to take the time to rest and get adequate sleep this week so you can enjoy the holidays and reduce your risk of fatigued driving.
3) Make sure your car is in good condition.
Top up your fluids, make sure that your tires are properly inflated, and ensure that your breaks and other major systems work. A car in poor repair is more likely to break down and potentially cause an accident.
4) Help everyone in your family develop a plan to arrive sober.
Have at least a few plans in place to get home sober if you’re going to a Thanksgiving dinner or event. Even if you don’t plan on drinking, it’s a good precaution to bring some cash for a cab, designate a driver, and have at least one other option. If your plans change and you do end up drinking, you’ll have a way to get home safely. And don’t forget to talk to your friends and family to let them know they can count on you if they need a ride home from their own parties and events.
If you are injured over the Thanksgiving holiday or at any time, Flaxman Law Group is always standing by to help. Our phone lines are staffed round-the-clock, even on Thanksgiving weekend. You can always reach a live operator when you need legal advice or assistance from our South Florida law firm.