Light Truck Accidents in Hollywood and South Florida

Many drivers use light trucks to transport larger purchases or just to enjoy more room. Light trucks are currently popular in Hollywood and southern Florida as well as other parts of the country. Many drivers like being higher off the ground in these larger vehicles and feel safer with the added space and protection this type of truck offers. While these vehicles can be quite safe for drivers, however, they do pose a larger risk in some instances.

Light trucks, such as pickup trucks, can be heavily loaded down with cargo. When cargo is not properly secured, it can fly out the back of a truck, causing obstructions on the roads and secondary accidents. In addition, light trucks can be overburdened with heavy cargo, which can affect the performance of tires or can cause a driver to lose control, leading to accidents.

There are other dangers with light trucks, too. Light trucks may have more blind spots when compared with smaller passenger vehicles. When backing up, especially, truck drivers need to be careful to check the space behind them. A backup camera can be useful in helping drivers know about any obstructions or people behind them as they backup.

Smaller trucks also take up quite a bit more room than smaller passenger vehicles. This can be a problem in heavy traffic, small parking lots, and narrow streets. It can be harder to navigate streets in these vehicles. Finding parking spots and backing out of driveways also pose some additional challenges.

Drivers of light trucks can do a great deal to help prevent truck accidents in Hollywood and other southern Florida communities. They can choose a truck carefully and adjust it so they have maximum visibility and control of their vehicle. Drivers who have only driven a passenger car before can gain added confidence and can improve their safety as well as the safety of everyone around them by getting additional instruction on driving a truck. They can play special attention to their owner’s manual to figure out how to correctly load and secure cargo in their truck so they can transport things safely.

Other drivers and pedestrians can help avoid light truck accidents by keeping in mind that smaller trucks and pick-up trucks also have many blind spots. When driving behind such a vehicle, give them extra room to the maneuver and stay alert for any unusual driving patterns.

If you have been injured by a light truck, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) to speak to a truck accident attorney in Hollywood in a free, no obligation consultation. Our legal team has more than 60 years of combined experience, and we have stood by the injured people in southern Florida for many years. We would be happy to explain your legal options to you.