Swimming Pool Safety in Hollywood and Florida

At this time of year, Hollywood and South Florida pools are in high demand. If you have your own swimming pool at home, there are many things you can do to ensure swimming pool safety for yourself and your guests:

1) Secure the pool area.

Swimming pool areas pose a significant liability risk for homeowners. If you own a swimming pool, you need to take steps to ensure no child or person accidentally falls in and suffers an injury. Children, especially, can be drawn to swimming pools and can easily sustain serious childhood injuries at your Hollywood home if the area is not safe. Always place a tall fence around the pool area and secure it with a self-locking gate. Where possible, install an alarm system which will let you know if anyone enters your property without your knowledge.

Keep in mind that even if a child trespasses on your property, you can still be held liable if you do not take due precautions to prevent children from entering the pool area.

In addition to securing the pool area from trustbusters, there are additional steps you can take for safety. For example, you can install no slip textured treads around the pool to reduce the risk of slip and fall accidents. You can also install good lighting if you plan on swimming at night and install monitoring to ensure you can keep an eye on your pool area at all times.

2) Post pool rules and review them with everyone who uses your pool.

Pool rules such as “no running” and “no swimming without supervision” are important ways to keep not just you but your guests safe as well. Also post your rules in the pool area so everyone can see them and make sure you review them with friends and family to keep everyone safe.

3) Keep your pool in good condition.

Make sure grates and drains are carefully covered. Have maintenance performed regularly to ensure the water is safe and your pool is in good condition. Check recalls to ensure no part of your pool has been affected. Each year, people are severely injured due to pool and pool accessory defects.

4) Teach everyone in your family to swim early on.

Strong swimming skills can reduce the risk of drowning and pool accidents in Hollywood or your community. Consider giving the gift of swimming lessons to children in your family and to children of friends. If you have a pool at your home, make sure that everyone in your household as well as frequent guest have swimming skills.

If you have been injured in a swimming pool due to someone’s negligence, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood swimming pool injury attorney. The Flaxman Law Group team is concerned with helping plaintiffs across South Florida and our offices in Hollywood, Homestead, and Miami are there to serve you.