Colorado Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers


Spinal cord injuries (SCI) can lead to permanent disability, chronic pain, and profound changes in a person’s lifestyle. When the spinal cord is damaged, it can disrupt the flow of communication between the brain and the rest of the body, affecting movement, sensation, and even organ function.

With a serious SCI, your life could be changed in an instant, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have options. If your injuries were caused by negligence, you may have a legal claim and be able to seek compensation, which can be crucial to paying for quality medical treatment and the support you will need. After an injury, consult with Colorado spinal cord injury lawyers to find out about your options. You can do so by calling the Denver offices of Flaxman Law Group at 970-999-0530 for a free consultation.

How Serious Is a Spinal Cord Injury?

A SCI is a life-changing event. The medical treatments alone can be intense, requiring surgery, long-term rehabilitation, and adaptive equipment to help you regain some degree of independence. You may need a wheelchair and may not be able to return to some of your normal activities. The road to recovery can be long, with many SCI patients needing lifelong care.

Beyond the physical consequences, SCI patients may also experience depression, anxiety, and isolation. They may lose independence, especially at first, as they adjust to their injury. In addition, the financial burden of medical bills, lost wages, and the need for personal care can be worrying.

Colorado Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

What Are Different Kinds of Spinal Injuries?

Broadly speaking, SCIs are divided into two types: complete and incomplete. Complete SCI occurs when the spinal cord is severed or fully damaged, leading to total loss of function below the level of the injury. The patient may experience paralysis, including paraplegia (which is the loss of mobility and sensation in the lower body) or quadriplegia (which affects all four limbs).

With an incomplete SCI, the spinal cord is partially damaged, and some function remains below the site of injury. There may be limited movement or sensation.

What Are the Causes of a Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal cord injuries usually happen with traumatic events that cause direct damage to the spinal cord. Specifically, the following are the most common causes for SCIs:

  • Vehicle accidents. Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents are among the leading causes of spinal cord injuries. Collisions can lead to fractures, dislocations, or compression of the spinal cord.
  • Slips, trips, and falls from heights can lead to significant trauma to the spinal cord when an individual hits a sidewalk or other surface with force.
  • Sports injuries. Sports, particularly those involving contact or speed (such as football, skiing, and gymnastics), can lead to impacts, falls, or sudden movements that damage the vertebrae or the spinal cord itself.
  • Workplace accidents. On the job, spinal cord injuries can occur due to heavy lifting, falling from ladders or scaffolding, or accidents involving machinery. Workers who suffer from these injuries may be entitled to workers’ compensation or may have a legal claim against third parties.
  • Diving injuries. If you dive into a body of water that proves to be too shallow, you can sustain serious and even fatal injuries, including SCI.
  • A gunshot wound or a stabbing can cause severe damage to the spinal cord, as can any physical assault.
  • Medical conditions. While less common, spinal cord injuries can sometimes be caused by tumors, infections, or diseases such as arthritis or osteoporosis, which weaken the vertebrae. These conditions can be made worse by medical malpractice or delayed diagnosis.

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury due to someone else’s negligence, consult with a Colorado attorney who has experience with spinal cord injuries. Prompt legal action may help recover compensation you need to pay for care.

What Are the Symptoms of a Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal cord injury symptoms depend on the severity of the injury and the specific location of damage. Common symptoms include:

  • Loss of sensation. One of the most common symptoms of a SCI is numbness below the level of the injury. This can range from a partial reduction in sensation to a complete loss of sensation.
  • Paralysis. If the injury is located higher up on the spinal cord, it may cause paralysis in all four limbs. Injuries to the lower spinal regions may result in paralysis of the legs. In less severe cases, individuals may experience weakness or difficulty moving certain parts of their body.
  • Incontinence. Injuries to the spinal cord can disrupt the body’s ability to control bladder and bowel functions.
  • Respiratory problems. Spinal cord injuries involving the upper spine can impair the muscles responsible for breathing. This can make it difficult for individuals to breathe on their own, leading to the need for mechanical ventilation. In addition, SCI patients who use a wheelchair and have extensive paralysis may be more at risk of pneumonia and conditions that impact the lungs.
  • Loss of reflexes. In some cases, patients may also experience hyperactive reflexes, leading to exaggerated movements or spasms. These changes can be a result of the disruption of normal communication between the brain and spinal cord.
  • Pain. Though the ability to feel sensation may be compromised, individuals with spinal cord injuries may still experience severe pain, particularly neuropathic pain. This type of pain can include burning, tingling, or shooting sensations that occur below the level of the injury. Pain can also arise from muscle spasms or trauma to the spine.
  • Damage to the body’s autonomic functions. This includes the regulation of blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate. SCIs can therefore lead to low blood pressure, blood pressure spikes, abnormal sweating, or temperature regulation problems.
  • Mental health symptoms. The psychological impact of a spinal cord injury can be profound. Individuals may experience emotional distress, depression, anxiety, or difficulty adjusting to their new limitations.

If you or someone else may have hurt their back or spine, seek immediate medical attention, whether any symptoms are present or not. Early diagnosis and intervention can help minimize long-term damage and improve the chances of recovery.

In a situation where you witness someone sustain a SCI, call 911 and follow the dispatcher’s instructions. Do not try to move the victim unless doing so is the only way to save their life or unless a 911 emergency responder tells you to. Moving someone with a spinal cord injury can make the injuries worse, so it’s best to wait until EMTs arrive. They can stabilize the spine first, to prevent additional harm.

How Long Do I Have to Make a Claim?

When someone sustains a spinal cord injury due to an accident or another person’s negligence, they may have the right to seek compensation through a personal injury claim. However, there is a time limit, known as the “statute of limitations,” for filing a lawsuit.

In Colorado, this time limit is generally two years from the date of the accident or injury. There are some exceptions, however. If you were injured at work, you need to report your injury within four days to file a workers’ compensation claim. If your injuries were caused by a government entity, you need to start to take action within 180 days. There are other exceptions as well, which is why consulting with Colorado spinal cord injury lawyers quickly is essential. An attorney can make sure you don’t miss any deadlines. Missing a deadline can mean you lose out on the chance to get compensation, so don’t delay.

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How Much Compensation Can I Get for a Spinal Cord Injury?

How much compensation you may be entitled to for a spinal cord injury depends on the severity of the injury, its long-term effects, and the circumstances surrounding the accident, among other factors. In Colorado, spinal cord injury victims can pursue compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses. This compensation may cover both past and future medical expenses related to the injury, which can be substantial with a SCI. In some cases, patients need wheelchairs, surgery, ongoing therapy, a respirator, and may even need extensive hospital stays or need to live in an assisted living facility.
  • Lost wages and earning capacity. If your spinal cord injury prevents you from working, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. This can include both the income you’ve already lost and the future income you will likely lose if you are permanently injured. If you were in a career that required activities that you can no longer do, compensation may also account for a reduction in your ability to work in the future.
  • Pain and suffering. This compensation awards you an amount of money for the pain of the injury itself, as well as the long-term effects of living with a permanent disability. It also considers emotional suffering, such as depression, anxiety, and a diminished quality of life caused by the injury.
  • Additional costs. If you need assistance with daily living activities, such as bathing, dressing, and eating, compensation may be awarded for in-home care or additional services. This may include the cost of hiring professional caregivers or the value of help provided by family members.

SCIs are among the most expensive injuries to sustain, so it’s important to get fair compensation. In some cases, the total costs of a severe spinal cord injury can be over a million dollars in medical care and ongoing support. And keep in mind that with inflation your medical and support costs will keep going up. If you accept a smaller settlement now and run out of money in a few years because your medical expenses were higher than expected, you will not have a chance to pursue additional financial recovery.

This is where Colorado spinal cord lawyers can help. Experienced attorneys will investigate your accident, build a strong case, accurately estimate current and future costs, and seek the fairest compensation possible. They understand how much a typical SCI can cost patients and will not accept a low offer from defendants or insurers. In fact, experienced attorneys are prepared to go to court to get you fair financial recovery.

How much can you receive? That depends. More severe injuries, such as complete paralysis, generally result in higher compensation. In addition, if the injury affects your ability to work, care for yourself, or enjoy life, the compensation will reflect this. The compensation amount may also depend on the insurance coverage of the party at fault, as well as your own health or disability insurance.

If you would like an accurate evaluation of how much your case may be worth, contact the Denver offices of Flaxman Law Group at 970-999-0530 for a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your situation. Our team can explain whether you have a claim, what you want to do next, and how much a claim like yours could be worth. We can also answer your questions.

Flaxman Law Group is a boutique, family-operated law firm with offices in South Florida and Colorado. Our Denver office serves all of Colorado and is headed by Steven Flaxman, who has years of trial preparation and litigation experience. Steven Flaxman previously defended insurance companies, and now uses the insights he gained to make sure insurance companies don’t try to minimize or deny your legitimate claim.

At Flaxman Law Group, we believe that your claim deserves diligent care. That’s why Steven Flaxman personally oversees every part of your claim and keeps you up to date about any progress. In fact, when you work with Flaxman Law Group, you will have your attorney’s cell phone number, so you can reach out 24/7. It’s one of the simple details that make our clients recommend our law firm to others. In fact, we reach many clients through word of mouth.

So if you are looking for experienced, committed, and compassionate legal representation for your spinal cord injury claim, call 970-999-0530 for a free consultation.


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