Facial Injuries Can Affect a Patient’s Life Permanently

Sustaining a facial injury in Hollywood or your Florida community can be devastating. Many people find their lives forever changed by this type of injury. The emotional trauma as well as the significant pain that this type of injury can cause can lead to years of anxiety, pain, and upset. Since the face is very delicate and involves the ears, nose, and eyes, facial injuries can affect your senses and how you experience the world.

Facial injuries can lead to:14237731773ryp8

  • Scarring
  • Eye injuries
  • Ear injuries (which can affect sense of balance as well as hearing)
  • Mouth and dental injuries (which can affect the ability to speak, breathe, or eat)
  • Muscle injuries

Because faces tend to be the most visible parts of us, injuries to this area of your body can be emotionally devastating. Some patients who suffer severe facial injuries have a hard time adjusting to life after their injury. They may have a hard time socializing, returning to their job, or sometimes even leaving the house. Unfortunately, some people are cruel and may point or stare at people who have been injured in this way.

What Causes Facial Injury?

Facial injuries can occur due to:

  • Violence
  • Traffic accidents
  • Sports injuries
  • Workplace injuries
  • Boating accidents
  • Aviation accidents
  • Falls

April is National Facial Protection Month and safety experts say that there many ways that we can take steps to prevent facial injuries:

1) Wear protective gear when needed.

At work and when playing contact sports, protect your eyes and face with the appropriate gear. Use correctly, face shields, visors, helmets, mouth guards, and other safety equipment can offer a good layer of protection. Safety gear can protect you from debris as well is solid objects flying towards your face.

2) Drive carefully.

Car accidents and truck accidents are a major cause of facial injuries. While you can’t control how other people drive, you can reduce your own risk of a car crash by driving sober and by staying focused on the road. Drive defensively, and get the best training you can so that you know how to use collision avoidance techniques if you need to.

3) Stay focused.

Distraction isn’t only a danger on the roads. If you are distracted while working at a high-risk job, you could easily fall or suffer a serious burn or crushing injury because you weren’t paying attention. When you are taking part in any high-risk activity – whether it’s working with heavy machinery or driving a car – keep focused on the task at hand.

4) Wear clothing appropriate to your task.

Sturdy shoes and sensible clothing can help you avoid falls and other injuries that could affect your health and safety.

If You Are Injured

Facial injuries are very painful and ca be expensive to treat. One of the most difficult things about these injuries is that insurance companies will sometimes dismiss required treatment as “cosmetic” and avoid covering needed medical care. For example, if you have suffered burns on your face and require skin grafts, insurance companies may claim that this is a cosmetic procedure. Similarly, if you need crowns or dental implants, an insurance company may allege that this is not a necessary procedure, even if the treatment can help you eat more easily.

If you have suffered a facial injury, contact a South Florida or Hollywood personal injury lawyer. An attorney can help evaluate your situation and may be able to help you find resources as you heal. A personal injury lawyer can negotiate with insurance carriers or can pursue any liable parties in your case so that you have compensation that can help pay for the treatment you need.

Are you looking for a South Florida or Hollywood facial injury claim attorney? Contact Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free, no obligation case review. Our attorneys have more than six decades of combined experience and we would be pleased to discuss the facts of your case with you to help you gain an understanding of the type of recovery you could secure in your potential case.