Denver Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

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ToggleSpinal cord injuries are among the most life-changing and expensive injuries you can sustain. For this reason, if you’ve sustained this kind of injury, always consult with Denver spinal cord injury lawyers. You don’t want to leave any money on the table. If you qualify for compensation, you want to maximize your financial recovery so you can pay for the treatment you’ll need.
If you’re injured, call the Denver offices of Flaxman Law Group at 970-999-0530 to schedule a consultation with a spinal cord injury lawyer. Your free consultation gives you the opportunity to speak with a lawyer who has handled bicycle accident cases and who can explain whether you may be eligible for compensation, who can explain what to do next, and who can answer your questions. There is no cost and no obligation, so it’s a smart call to make if you’ve been seriously injured.
How Serious Is a Spinal Cord Injury?
A spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most severe and life-altering injuries you can suffer. It has the potential to impact nearly every aspect of your life, from mobility and independence to overall health and quality of life. Whether the injury is caused by a car accident, a fall, a sports injury, or any other form of trauma, the consequences can be devastating.
Spinal cord injury can happen when your spinal cord is directly impacted—if you are thrown from a vehicle, for example. Your spinal cord can also be damaged when you have a penetrating injury, such as a gunshot that punctures parts of the spine. Falling from a height or being crushed by heavy machinery can also cause devastating injuries that effectively disrupt the signals between your spinal cord and the rest of your body.
The Impact of Spinal Cord Injuries
The severity of a spinal cord injury largely depends on where the injury occurs along the spinal cord and whether the injury is complete or incomplete. A complete spinal cord injury results in a total loss of sensation and movement below the level of injury, while an incomplete injury allows for some movement or sensation.
In general, SCIs can result in:
- The loss of function in the body below the site of injury, which can affect the arms, legs, and even the torso, depending on the location of the injury.
- Quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs) or paraplegia (paralysis of the lower limbs).
- Difficulty breathing without mechanical assistance, which is usually caused by injuries to the neck that disrupt the nerves controlling the diaphragm and lungs.
- Chronic pain, including nerve pain that can be difficult to manage.
- A complete or partial loss of sensation in the affected area.
- Difficulty with temperature regulation, bowel and bladder control, and other basic functions, which is usually a result of loss of sensation in parts of the body.
- Emotional and psychological struggles, including depression, anxiety, and a sense of loss or isolation.
It’s also important to note that SCIs can cause secondary challenges, too. For example, someone who is paralyzed is more at risk of bed sores, pneumonia, and other complications. The mental effects of a serious injury can impact relationships and self-esteem.
Financial Impact of a Spinal Cord Injury
The financial costs of a spinal cord injury can be astronomical. In addition to the immediate medical expenses associated with emergency care, surgeries, and hospital stays, SCI patients may require ongoing rehabilitation, and long-term care. Many also need devices such as wheelchairs, ramps, or other accessibility support. Many people with SCI are unable to return to their prior work, which can lead to lost wages and future earning potential.
In some cases, lifelong care may be needed. Patients with spinal cord injuries may need help getting dressed, eating, and assistance with other basic tasks. Some require around-the-clock care because they cannot breathe on their own.
A significant spinal cord injury can cost millions of dollars in personal and medical care, lost income, and other support. That’s why it’s so important to consult with Denver spinal cord injury lawyers if you’ve been injured. If you’re eligible for compensation, you want to get full financial recovery so you can pay for support and care.

What Are Different Kinds of Spinal Injuries?
Doctors classify spinal cord injuries based on severity, location, and the nature of the trauma. Common spinal cord injuries include:
- Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. This injury affects the neck and can have severe consequences due to the proximity to the brainstem. Injury to the cervical spine can lead to quadriplegia (Tetraplegia), or paralysis in all four limbs (arms and legs). Cervical injuries, especially those that affect the C3-C5 vertebrae, can also lead to problems with breathing.
- Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. This injury affects the upper and middle back, and can result in paraplegia, or loss of mobility in the legs and lower body. Some patients may also have loss of trunk control, which can make balancing or sitting upright difficult. Thoracic injuries can also lead to bladder and bowel incontinence.
- Lumbar Spinal Cord Injury. This injury affects the lower back and can result in loss of sensation or control in the lower body. In addition to reduced mobility, patients may struggle with bladder, bowel, and sexual function.
In general, doctors classify all injuries as either complete injuries or incomplete SCIs. Complete spinal cord injuries result in total loss of sensation and function below the level of the injury, meaning no movement or sensation is preserved in the affected areas. An incomplete SCI injury, on the other hand, means that some nerve function is preserved below the level of the injury. Patients with incomplete injuries may have partial movement or sensation.
What Are the Causes of a Spinal Cord Injury?
In Colorado, spinal cord injuries can result from a variety of traumatic events, including:
- Traffic. Motor vehicle accidents are among the leading causes of spinal cord injuries in Colorado. Collisions, particularly high-speed crashes or those involving motorcycles or bicycles (where there are fewer layers or protection), can put extreme force on the spine, resulting in fractures or damage to the spinal cord.
- Falls. Slips, trips, and falls at home or on public property can cause significant trauma to the spine, particularly when individuals land on their backs or heads. For older adults, the risk of a fall leading to a spinal injury increases due to weakened bones and balance issues.
- Sports and Recreational Activities. Sports like football, skiing, snowboarding, and diving are high-risk activities when it comes to spinal cord injuries. Contact sports and activities that involve high speeds or the risk of falling can put extreme strain on the spine. In particular, diving into shallow water or sudden impacts during sports can lead to serious spinal damage.
- Workplace Accidents. Industrial and construction-related accidents are frequent causes of spinal injuries in Colorado. Workers in these industries often face falls, heavy machinery accidents, or even repetitive stress that can lead to spinal injuries.
- Violence. Spinal cord injuries can also be caused by violent incidents, including physical assaults, shootings, or stabbings.
- Medical Conditions. Though not as common, certain medical conditions and diseases can lead to spinal cord injuries. Conditions like cancer, infections, or spinal cord tumors can cause degeneration or damage to the spinal cord.
It’s important to understand the cause of your injury because when an SCI occurs due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another party—whether in a car accident, workplace incident, or public space—you can pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
What Are the Symptoms of a Spinal Cord Injury?
Spinal cord injuries present with a wide range of symptoms that depend on the location and severity of the injury. Common symptoms can include:
- Loss of sensation, which may include numbness, tingling, or the inability to feel touch, temperature, or pain.
- Partial or total loss of movement and function of part of the body.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Intense pain, especially in the back, neck, or spinal region. This can include a sharp, stabbing pain or a dull, aching sensation, especially immediately following the injury.
- Incontinence or an inability to urinate or defecate without assistance.
- Muscle spasms.
- Loss of fine motor skills, which can affect the ability to perform daily tasks like writing, dressing, or using a computer.
- Impaired temperature regulation, which can make it hard to stay warm or cool, which in turn can make individuals more susceptible to heatstroke, hypothermia, and other temperature-related health issues.
- A loss of sensation, reduced sexual desire, or the inability to engage in sexual activity.
- Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health conditions, each of which can have their own symptoms (such as mood swings, for example, or sleep disruption).
Every SCI and every patient are different, so experiences vary. Some people wake up after a severe car accident to find that they can’t move parts of their body. Other people develop chronic pain and muscle spasms that decrease over time. It’s important to work with specialists to get the appropriate treatment.
How Long Do I Have to Make a Claim?
If you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury due to someone’s negligence in Denver, there are time limits, known as the statute of limitations, within which you must file a claim. In Colorado, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, including those involving spinal cord injuries, is generally two years from the date of the accident or injury. If you fail to file within that time, you lose out on the chance to pursue compensation.
There are some exceptions. For example, if you did not realize at first that your injury was caused by negligence, the statute of limitations may begin from the date you discovered, or reasonably should have known, you may have had a claim. If your spinal cord injury was caused by the actions of a government entity, you may have just months to file a claim.
There may be additional exceptions, too, so it’s important to consult with a Denver spinal cord injury lawyer as soon as possible to make sure you don’t miss deadlines.
How Much Compensation Can I Get for a Spinal Cord Injury?
Spinal cord injuries often lead to long-term or permanent disabilities which require expensive medical care. Fortunately, in Colorado, victims of spinal cord injuries caused by negligence may be entitled to compensation, including financial recovery for:
- Medical expenses, including surgeries, visits with specialists, ongoing medical care, and expected future medical costs.
- Ongoing treatments, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, home health care, and personal care assistance, as well as expected future costs related to these supports.
- Specialized equipment such as wheelchairs, mobility devices, or home modifications for accessibility.
- Lost wages, if you cannot work because of your injuries.
- Any future earning potential that may be impacted due to the injury.
- Physical discomfort, the emotional toll of living with a disability, and the impact of the injury on your overall quality of life.
- Loss of companionship, intimacy, and support caused by the injury (this is often referred to as “loss of consortium”).
- Punitive damages, if your injuries were caused by someone’s malicious action or very severe negligence.
It’s important to get fair compensation for all losses and to pursue all liable parties for fair financial recovery. This ensures you don’t run out of money a few years after your injury, when you won’t have further options to pursue more compensation.
It’s especially important to get fair compensation because the costs of care will only go up. If new treatments are developed in coming years, they will cost more than the treatments today. When new, better models of wheelchairs are released, they will cost more than current models, and inflation will push the cost of all personal and medical care up. Getting fair compensation now ensures you’re ready for life with a permanent medical condition.
Find out how to get fair compensation for your injury by calling Flaxman Law Group at 970-999-0530. If you’re injured, schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation.
What Is Considered a Serious Brain Injury?
A serious brain injury is generally one that causes significant disruption in brain function, leading to long-term or permanent physical, cognitive, or emotional effects. Serious brain injuries include any injury where there is tissue damage to the brain or swelling. DAI, coup-contrecoup injury, anoxic injury, penetrating brain injuries, and hematomas are all life-threatening.
Serious brain injuries often require immediate medical intervention, and the recovery process can be lengthy. One challenge with serious brain injuries is that they can leave you vulnerable to secondary brain injuries. If you suffer a concussion, for example, and hit your head again before the concussion heals, you may face a more devastating brain injury because you now have an injury on top of an injury.
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Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can be caused by a wide range of incidents. Here are the most common causes:
- Traffic accidents. Car crashes, motorcycle accidents, and pedestrian accidents are among the leading causes of TBIs. In these incidents, the head may be struck by an object or may experience sudden acceleration or deceleration, causing the brain to collide with the skull.
- Falls. Falls are one of the most common causes of brain injuries, particularly among older adults and children. Falling from a height or slipping on wet surfaces can result in a significant blow to the head, leading to concussions or more severe brain injuries.
- Sports injuries. Contact sports such as football, boxing, and hockey carry a high risk for TBIs, but even non-contact sports like soccer or gymnastics can lead to head injuries from falls or collisions.
- Violence. Physical assaults, including being struck by an object or by another person, can cause traumatic brain injuries. Domestic violence, fights, and assaults with weapons can all result in serious brain injuries.
- Workplace accidents. Workplace injuries, especially in industries like construction, manufacturing, and mining, are common causes of TBIs. Accidents involving falling objects, machinery, or hazardous environments can lead to severe brain trauma.
- Explosions and blast injuries. Military personnel and individuals in certain professions may experience brain injuries from explosions or blasts. These injuries can cause significant damage to the brain, even without direct impact, due to the shockwave and pressure from the blast.
- Electrocution. Electric shocks or electrocution can cause severe damage to the brain and nervous system. The electrical current passing through the body can disrupt brain function, leading to cognitive and physical impairments.
- Birth injuries. During birth and delivery, inattention on the part of medical staff can leave a baby without adequate oxygen, which can impact the brain. In these cases, families may have a medical malpractice claim.
If you have suffered a brain injury for any reason, it’s worthwhile to talk to brain injury lawyers in Denver, CO to find out if negligence played a role in your injury. If it did, you may be able to seek compensation from the at-fault parties, which could leave you with the resources you need as you start to heal.
How to Prove Negligence
Proving negligence in a brain injury case requires establishing that another party’s actions directly led to the injury. You will generally work with brain injury lawyers in Denver, CO, who can secure evidence in your case. This can involve expert testimony from medical professionals, accident reconstruction specialists, or other experts who can testify about the cause of the injury and its connection to the defendant’s actions.
Additionally, evidence such as accident reports, surveillance footage, medical records, and witness testimonies can play a crucial role in establishing the negligence of the responsible party.
How Long Do I Have to Make a Brain Injury Claim?
The statute of limitations sets a time limit for initiating a lawsuit after an injury occurs. It’s important to file the claim within this time period to ensure that you retain your right to seek compensation. In Colorado, the statute of limitations is two years. If you try to file after this time frame, you may no longer be able to file.
Some exceptions to the statute of limitations may apply in certain circumstances. For example, if a patient is in a coma for a long time because of their brain injury, they may have more time to file. In cases where government entities are the at-fault party, you usually have less time to file.
It is important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible after a brain injury to ensure you do not miss the statute of limitations deadline. A timely claim can help preserve evidence, secure witness testimony, and strengthen your case. Even if you’re not sure you want to file a claim, contact attorneys to learn more about your potential claim. You can always contact the Denver office of Flaxman Law Group for a free consultation when you’re injured. Just call 970-999-0530 for your free consultation.
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Denver, CO Practice Areas
- Denver Personal Injury Lawyers
- Denver Brain Injury Lawyers
- Denver Bicycle Accident Lawyers
- Denver Car Accident Lawyers
- Denver Construction Accident Lawyers
- Denver Landlord-Tenant Dispute Lawyers
- Denver Medical Malpractice Lawyers
- Denver Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
- Denver Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers
- Denver Slip and Fall Lawyers
- Denver Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers
- Denver Truck Accident Lawyers
- Denver Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
- Denver Wrongful Death Lawyers