Fall Season Safety Tips

Now that fall is here, Florida residents will want to take steps to keep themselves safe. While South Florida is fortunate enough not to be affected by early snow or cold temperatures, safety is still important. The region’s tornado season doesn’t end for a few weeks yet and with cooler temperatures slowly but surely approaching, there are a few things you might want to do:


1) Take a look at your furnace, space heaters, and fireplaces.

It doesn’t usually get cooler in South Florida until later in the year, but if you like to stay cozy around the holidays, you’ll want to get service for your fireplaces, space heaters, and furnaces now. Since it’s not busy season yet, you’ll likely be able to get a technician fairly easily.

2) Use candles with caution.

According to the National Candle Association, close to 10,000 home fires across the country are caused by candles. Around this time of year, many people like to decorate with candles for Halloween. Candles for the autumn and for the holidays are also very popular at this time of year. If you’re decorating with candles, make sure you never leave them unattended. Place them well away from curtains and other flammable materials. If you have pets or small children, it’s safer to bring scents into your home in the form of sprays or diffusers; read the labels to find the safest alternatives.

3) Check smoke alarms.

It’s a good habit to check your smoke alarms every season. This is also a good time to update your emergency contact list and to go over your emergency and fire escape plan with your entire family. Make sure everyone in your family knows how to get out of every room of your home in the event of a fire.

4) Clear debris from your yard.

Overgrown shrubs and twigs on your walkaways and driveways can pose a tripping hazard. This is a good time to get your yard tidied up and safe for all visitors. While doing yardwork, check your outdoor lighting. It should be bright enough to light the way for any visitors and to prevent trip and fall accidents.

5) Update your emergency kit.

Tornado season in Florida continues through November, so check your emergency kit. Is everything still there and ready for you to use? Are there items you should add? If you don’t have an emergency kit, spend a few hours creating one or buy a ready-made kit.

If you suffer an autumn injury in Hollywood or any South Florida community, contact Flaxman Law Group. We’d be happy to offer a free accident consultation to help apprise you of your rights. Our law firm has offices in Miami, Homestead, and Hollywood to better serve the entire South Florida community and we are proud to say our attorneys have more than six decades of combined experience. Contact us now if you need legal support or representation for any personal injury case in South Florida.