Help Your Children Avoid Injury During This Upcoming School Year
The school year is almost beginning and for some children the school year will start within a matter of days. Most children spend much of their school year in the classroom and on the playground, and while schools usually do everything possible to keep children safe, parents can help reduce the risk of childhood injury in Hollywood or their community with these tips:
1) Prevent back injuries with a safe backpack.
Children today carry a lot of homework with them, and all of those books and notebooks can put a lot of pressure on growing spines. Make sure your child avoids back injury by purchasing a backpack with solid, padded straps. Encourage your child to wear their backpack using both straps so the weight is evenly distributed. At home, make sure your child has a healthy and safe environment for doing homework. This should include an ergonomic chair and good lighting to prevent back and eye strain.
2) Make the commute safe.
Review how you child will go to school. If they’re walking or bicycling, walk or bicycle the path with them and review any possible dangers. Discuss safety. If you are dropping your child off, opt for the least busy routes and plan your days to give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination. Drop your child off at drop-off zone with easy access to a safe pedestrian area.
3) Review safety tips.
Does your child know how to stay safe online around electricity or the school pool? This time of year is a good time to review safety basics with your children to make sure they are ready for more independence at school.
4) Know where your child is going after school.
If your child goes to afterschool activities, get to know their coaches or teachers. If your child is getting dropped off with a babysitter or caregiver, make sure you research the caregiver to ensure your child’s safety. Have a clear schedule in the house so everyone knows where each family member is at all times and keep a running list of contacts so you can easily contact friends, family, and other places where your child routinely goes.
5) Work to reduce sports injury.
If your child plays sports, purchase the right sports gear– whether that’s a helmet, padding, or the right shoes. Talk to your child’s coach and make sure you review with your child the proper ways of dealing with injury and potential head injury. Make sure your child understands that they shouldn’t head back to the field until they get the okay from a doctor or coach. Get to know your child’s coach to ensure they have the training to spot and prevent head injuries and other sports injuries.
6) Have a plan to stop bullying in its tracks.
This is a good time of year to talk to children about bullying. Make sure your children can come to you if they feel they are being bullied so you can take action with the school principal and school board if needed.
If your child ever sustains an injury, you can always contact Flaxman Law Group for a free case consultation. In many cases, families find pursuing a civil claim and compensation after an injury allows them to seek financial compensation so they can pay for the best medical care and support for their children as their children rebuild after a serious injury. Our offices in Miami, Homestead, and Hollywood are always open to South Florida parents and families who think they may have a claim.