Filing a Car Accident Claim During COVID-19
During COVID-19, car accidents can still occur. If you are in a crash in Hollywood or anywhere in South Florida at this time, there are still a few things you will want to do:
- Do not hesitate to seek medical help: Some ER physicians report that some patients are afraid of coming to the emergency room or hospital right now, worried about exposure to the novel coronavirus. If you may have hit your head, have a fracture, or may have injured yourself in the car crash, it is important to seek emergency medical help. You may expect some additional questions, including questions about fever and other COVID-19 symptoms, but emergency rooms are still open and are exactly where you should go if you have been injured.
- Contact your physician, dentist, or other provider before visiting: Your dentist may be only seeing emergency patients or your physician may have special procedures in place to protect staff. If you need treatment, you may need to set up a schedule since some providers are delaying non-essential treatments.
- Use extra precautions in health settings: Wash your hands often and use the sanitizer provided. Wear a cloth mask over your face if you can. Take careful notes and ask the doctor to write down any instructions; with so many health settings on high alert, you do not want a mistake to affect your care. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to remind the doctor of any concerns or conditions.
- Stay alert for exposure: After being in a health setting, monitor your symptoms for 14 days. Check your temperature and get assessed if you think you may have COVID-19 or have any difficulty breathing. Contracting the virus in addition to having serious injuries can delay your healing, so you will want your health care team to know.
- Document carefully: Documentation is more important than ever before, since the current situation may mean your treatment is interrupted. Keep a clear list of symptoms and take photos of your injuries. If any of your treatments are delayed or your appointments are cancelled due to the virus, take note of this and keep any emails related to these appointments. Continue to follow up with healthcare providers when you can.
- Do not accept low-ball offers: Do not give into pressure and accept a lowball offer from insurers or liable parties. If you are feeling financial pressure, speak to your attorney about options.
- Be aware there may be delays: Insurers may be overwhelmed with calls and doctors as well as courts may be full or only open on a part-time basis. There may be delays in your claim or difficulty getting answers. In addition, the current pandemic situation will shift, which is one reason why you may want to stay up-to-date about the news.
- Contact an attorney early: Since so many things are unusual right now and since you may feel pressure to accept less than you deserve from insurers for your losses, you may wish to get a free accident consultation from a car collision attorney in Hollywood to learn what your options are.
Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a qualified attorney. Our legal team continues to represent our clients remotely during the pandemic, so you can still always reach us, even with the current situation.