The Best Ways to Prevent Holiday-Time Accidents
Unfortunately, road accidents are very common during the holidays. More festivities can mean an increase in drunk driving. Holiday travel plans and shopping can also increase the number of drivers on the road, which can create traffic jams and an increase in car accidents. Here are the best ways to stay safe on the roads this holiday season.
- Slow down. Give yourself more time to get to your destination than you think you need. Factor in breaks, traffic, and unexpected events. This way, you can drive without feeling pressure to speed.
- Take care of yourself. The holidays can be a challenging time. You may be working hard, taking care of holiday activities, and worried about getting it all done. Holiday events can even disrupt your usual sleep cycle. On top of it all, it’s flu season. Driving when tired, upset, distracted, or ill is all too common at this time of year. It’s also dangerous. When you’re tired or distracted or unwell, your response times and focus won’t be the same. It’s all to easy to get into an accident in these states. Take care of yourself, and feel free to say “no” to holiday events that just add pressure to your life. Get a good night’s sleep every night and care for your health.
- Take care of your car. If you’re going on any longer trips, especially, get a tune-up. Make sure your car is ready to respond when you need it to.
- Drive defensively. Always think a few moves ahead. Keep in mind that other drivers on the road may also be feeling stressed, tired, and overwhelmed by the holiday season. They may be on unfamiliar streets as they try to take care of seasonal errands. Be ready for the unexpected.
- Always have a plan B. Have an alternate way to get home or money for a hotel if you’re going to a holiday party. Even if you plan on not drinking, have a plan. If you’re driving to an event, always have a few routes in mind in case there’s traffic. Having a back-up plan reduces stress and can prevent road rage and frustration.
- Be willing to take an alternative way home. If you’re tired, unwell, upset, or distracted, don’t drive. Take another way home or ask someone to drive you.
Here’s a final tip for safe driving this holiday season: know who to call if you’re in a car accident. If you’re injured in a car accident due to someone else’s actions or negligence, you could have a claim. You may be able to seek compensation for your injuries and losses. If you have been injured and would like to know more, contact Flaxman Law Group at 866-352-9626 to speak to a live person 24/7 who can schedule a free, no obligation consultation with an attorney. Or contact us online to set up your free case consultation.