3 Ways You May Be Inadvertently Hurting Your Truck Accident Claim
Being in a trucking accident in Homestead or any South Florida community will usually result in a claim. Whether you decide to file a legal claim or contact your car insurance company to seek compensation for car repairs, medical bills, and other costs, you are entering into a legal process. Unfortunately, many factors can hurt your claims, including things that seem quite innocuous:
1) Social media use.
Insurance companies and defendants will carefully examine all information available about you. Unfortunately, the things you post on social media – even if they are innocent – can harm your case. When using Instagram, Facebook, and other social media, most of us try to put our best foot forward. In fact, some users take thousands of pictures to give the most positive impression to followers.
Unfortunately, lighthearted social media posts can harm your claim. If you post photos of a vacation or post yourself enjoying yourself, this can be used to claim you aren’t seriously injured. This is the case even if the fun pictures only represent a good day and don’t fully represent all the pain you are suffering.
If you have any social media accounts, it’s a good idea to speak to a personal injury attorney in Homestead or your community about your online presence. Your attorney may recommend you suspend activity on your accounts while your case is working its way through the courts or through negotiations. Keep in mind even if your accounts are private, the information contained within is available to friends and to others – including attorneys representing the other drivers.
2) Your documentation habits.
How well do you document your injuries? If you don’t keep track of every expense, doctor’s appointment, and injury you could be harming your case. You need to be able to provide robust evidence that you were seriously injured, that you take proper care of your health, and that you suffered financial losses as a result of your trucking accident.
It is a good idea to start documentation as soon as possible and to take photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and anything else that seems relevant. Keep copies of all paperwork related to your accident claim. Keep all receipts and keep a journal of your doctors’ appointments, medications, treatments, and symptoms. This information can be invaluable to you and your attorney during your case.
3) Your frustration with your injury.
It’s not easy being injured and it can be upsetting to have to deal with medical tests and doctor’s appointments. Pushing yourself too hard, refusing to cooperate, or skipping appointments can really hurt your claim, though – not to mention your recovery.
Defendants and insurance companies can claim that if you’re missing doctors’ appointments means you are not as seriously injured as you claim. If you return to work early, this can also be used to support a claim your injuries are not as serious as initially thought.
You want to ensure that you attend all doctors’ appointments and you follow all medical instructions and treatments to the letter. This will help show you’re serious about your health. It will not only increase the chances you will recover as fully as possible from your injuries, but it can help strengthen your case as well.
Would you like to know other ways you can strengthen your trucking accident claim in Homestead or your community? Do you need legal representation after a serious trucking accident in southern Florida? Contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. Our legal team has offices in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami and we’re proud to serve the entire southern Florida area. Your initial consultation is confidential, and comes with no obligation and no cost.