Teen Driving Habits May Raise Florida Truck Crash Risks
Teen drivers in Hollywood and South Florida will often spend considerable time in driver’s education classes and practicing in a car. While they are often excited to try out lessons learned on the road, however, it is important for parents and caregivers to pay attention to the habits their young drivers are developing.
Building good habits early on can help young drivers stay safe from the road and can help them prevent traffic collisions. However, bad habits established early can put young drivers at risk of car accidents and truck collisions and can mean a lifetime of more at-risk driving. If your child has these bad habits, they could be putting themselves at risk:
- Driving with other passengers. With other passengers, especially peers, drivers get distracted and increase their risk of a crash. It’s an easy habit to develop, but research has shown that teens are more at risk of car accidents and risk-taking when they are in a car with other teens. Encourage your teen driver to drive by themselves or with an experienced adult before they graduate to driving with friends. Some time driving in less distracted situations can help your child hone their driving skills, making them more able to handle distraction when it happens.
- Distracted driving. Distraction is a bad habit many people fall prey to. It can be especially dangerous for young drivers, who haven’t yet developed strong driving skills or years of expertise behind the wheel. Teen drivers trying to do more than one thing while driving leads to driving collisions in Hollywood and across South Florida. Teach your child to drive defensively and to stay alert, especially when sharing the road with trucks.
- Speeding. Not paying attention to the odometer or going a little over the speed limit is an easy habit to develop but it can be dangerous. High speeds can mean a driver loses control of their car and can make it harder to drive around trucks, since these larger vehicles need more time to slow down and stop. Set good habits in motion by driving the speed limit yourself and encourage your child to do the same. Consider rescinding driving privileges if your child repeatedly drives over the limit.
- Treating trucks just like any other vehicle on the road. Teens may drive around big rigs, tractor trailers, tankers and other large vehicles as though they were any other car. However, there are important differences. Commercial trucks have larger blind spots and take longer to slow down and stop, and drivers need to be respectful of these differences that can lead to a risk of car accidents. Make sure your child’s driver instruction includes emphasis on the importance of safe driving around trucks and reinforce the lessons yourself at home.
If your teen has been injured in a car or truck accident, contact Flaxman Law Group for free accident consultation. A Hollywood truck accident attorney at our firm can review your options and can work with you when you file an insurance claim.