What You Can Expect from Your Attorney After a Truck Accident

If you have been in a trucking accident and have sustained a serious personal injury such as a spinal cord injury or a brain injury or have lost a loved one in the accident, you should contact a good Florida personal attorney as soon as it is at all viable to do so. Many attorneys will even visit your hospital room to discuss your accident with you.

Many patients avoid speaking to an attorney and often this reluctance is based on incomplete information. Many patients assume that they do not need an attorney because insurance providers will take care of the costs associated with an accident. Some think that they do not require an attorney because they have no intention of suing. However, it is important to remember that an attorney does far more than just represent you in court. After a trucking accident, a good Florida personal injury attorney is essential and can often help you with:

1) Investigating the accident. Most attorneys work with private investigators, accident reconstruction specialists, and other professionals to determine the exact cause of your truck accident. This is vital because it offers you closure and also ensures that you will not be unfairly blamed for an accident that was not your fault.

2) Preventing similar accidents. If you have been injured in a truck accident, an attorney’s investigation into the accident can reveal mechanical failures with the truck, driver error, and problems with the practices of a carrier. Attorneys can uncover dangerous conditions and hazards which can lead to more accidents. In many cases, attorneys are able to hold those responsible liable for the hazards and this can lead to safety changes that can prevent other accidents and injuries.

3) Getting quality care and advice. Attorneys can often help you find resources. Since Florida personal injury attorneys often work with accident victims, they are knowledgeable about resources in your area that can help you. They can help you find assistance as you recover after your accident. If you receive a larger settlement, attorneys can even advise you how to use the money so that it will go further. They may recommend that you speak with a banker, for example, to safeguard your settlement.

4) Evaluating the impact of the accident. After an accident, insurance companies are often concerned with placing a value on the injuries sustained in an accident. An attorney can help ensure that you consult with mental health experts and medical professionals who can document accurately the trauma and physical injuries you have suffered from your truck accident.

5) Negotiating with insurance providers. Even if you have insurance coverage, insurance companies are often reluctant to pay out the full amount of coverage you are entitled to under the law. Some place the blame on you and deny your benefits, while other insurers try to pressure you into a low settlement that does not cover all your medical costs. Attorneys are experienced in negotiations and can ensure that you get a fair settlement. Often, this can mean the difference between substandard and high quality medical care, which is why a Florida personal injury attorney is one of the first persons you should phone after a truck accident.