Can Non-Truckers Help Prevent Hollywood Truck Accidents?

Many people assume that they need to be in the trucking industry or in politics to make big changes in reducing the number of car and trucking accidents in Hollywood or Florida. Nothing could be further from the truth. Individual people just like you have made big changes that have affected car accident rates in Hollywood and other communities. For example, a group of mothers who lost children to drunk drivers created MADD, an organization that has created changes to reduce the number of drunk driving accidents in Hollywood and across the country.


If you are committed to stopping traffic accidents in Hollywood and your community, you may have more resources than you think, including:

1) Political resources. As a taxpayer, you have elected representatives that are eager to hear from you. If you have concerns, your local elected legislators can take your concerns to the state and local governments and even to the federal governments. Whether you support specific laws that could reduce truck and car accidents in Hollywood or have ideas for new laws, write to your local representatives or attend city meetings to make your voice heard. If you see street designs and poor street maintenance that could lead to car and motorcycle accidents in Hollywood, let the city know and follow up with your request. You can even run for office in your community to make big changes.

2) Advocacy groups. There are a number of groups that advocate for better road safety and for trucking safety. In some cases, these groups are made up of people who have been injured or who have suffered loss due to traffic accidents. Joining can mean that you help to make law changes and raise awareness that can make a big difference. There is power in numbers.

3) The courts. If you have been injured in a traffic accident in Hollywood or any city, you may be able to file a legal claim if your injuries were caused by recklessness or negligence. Filing a legal claim can secure compensation for your injuries, but it can also force important safety changes. Motor carriers tend to take legal claims seriously and will sometimes act to prevent further legal action by making safety improvements.

4) Your own community. Your own community is a great place to start making changes. There are probably others in your city or neighborhood who are concerned about truck or bicycle accidents on their streets and may be willing to work with you to raise awareness or to approach the city about making safety changes to keep residents safe.

If you have been injured in a car or truck accident, you can schedule a free, no obligation case consultation by calling the Flaxman Law Group. Your consultation is your chance to get legal advice and a professional opinion about your legal options from an established personal injury attorney. The attorneys at the Flaxman Law Group have more than 60 years of combined legal and trial experience. They have dedicated their lives to helping personal injury victims who have suffered injuries similar to yours. Contact the Flaxman Law Group today for more details.