These Mistakes After a Truck Accident Can Hurt You for Years
If you have been in a truck accident in Homestead, the clock is ticking. The choices you make immediately following a traffic accident can affect you for years because they can determine how much compensation you ultimately get for your injuries. The personal injury attorneys at Flaxman Law Group have seen the following errors end up costing plaintiffs in the long run:
1) Refusing medical attention. It is important to get checked out quickly after any traffic accident in Homestead – even if you think you may not have been injured. If you find that you were injured but did not notice right away, the motor carrier’s insurance company may claim that your injuries were not serious – or maybe were not caused by the accident. Take your health seriously. Get checked out after the accident and be sure to follow any doctor’s instructions. Attend all doctors’ appointments and any specialist appointments so that you have the best chance of healing.
2) Discussing the accident. Do not discuss the accident with anyone, even at the accident scene. Anything you say can be fuel for the defendant’s attorneys. Since car accidents in Homestead involving trucks usually involve a lot of money, insurance carriers, attorneys, and others may try to contact you or get you to sign something. Always speak to a personal injury attorney in Homestead or your community before discussing or signing anything related to the accident or your injuries. In addition, be careful when discussing the accident and injuries with friends or family or on social media. Your conversations may be used against you.
3) Being dishonest. There is no point in exaggerating your injuries or symptoms. Be honest with doctors and your attorney – they are there to help and they can only assist you if you are honest with them.
4) Not expecting surveillance. Insurance companies will sometimes conduct investigations on plaintiffs. While it is possible that you may have good days where you can accomplish more – even if you are seriously injured – keep in mind that it can look very bad in a case if you are caught on tape completing an activity that you claim you are too injured for. The tape will not show that you were in pain after the activity or that you suffered a setback in your recovery because you attempted too much.
5) Not documenting all injuries and keeping all evidence. Keep all doctor’s records, receipts, pill bottles, photos of injuries, casts, braces, and other evidence of your injury. Take photos of video of your injuries and any damages you have suffered. Keep a running total of the costs you have incurred and keep a journal of your injuries and challenges as you recover. The more information you have, the stronger you case may be.
6) Taking too much time to respond. As soon as you have an accident, you will want to get medical help, contact your insurance company, and contact a personal injury attorney. Waiting too long to get medical help or file an accident claim can make it look as though your injuries or the accident were not that serious. There is also a statute of limitations in Florida, so waiting too long to contact an attorney can affect your ability to file a legal claim.
Have you made some of these mistakes after a car accident or truck accident in South Florida? The aggressive attorneys at Flaxman Law Group have been able to turn some cases around – even in situations where plaintiffs have made mistakes. To put our more than 60 years of experience to work for you, contact Flaxman Law Group today for a free accident consultation.