Technology and Personal Injury: Do You Have a Claim?

In Homestead and across South Florida, we rely on our mobile devices and various technology to do our jobs, entertain us, and more. Whether you’re checking the weather on your tablet, typing work emails on your laptop, or getting to a sports event by using your car’s GPS, you are surrounded by electronic devices. Of course, you expect these devices to be safe, but each year Homestead and Florida residents suffer serious burns and injuries caused by malfunctioning, exploding, and poorly-deigned electronic devices.

Electronic devices are complex and are usually made from parts sourced all over the world. While there are consumer protection groups aimed at evaluating these items for safety and while there are state and federal standards for safety, it is difficult to closely monitor all products entering the country. If you have been injured by a dangerous electronic product, consult with a Homestead products liability attorney to find out whether you have a claim.

How Safe are My Electronics?

Electronics are usually carefully, but many use lithium ion batteries and other batteries which can overcharge, short, overheat, and even explode. Design and manufacturing flaws in electronics can cause devices to get dangerous enough to cause burns or can cause devices to catch fire or explode. In turn, exploding devices can create projectiles which can lead to dangerous head injuries or devastating burn and puncture injuries.

To reduce the risk of injury, follow these tips:

  • Choose your devices carefully. Read reviews and get on a list to be alerted about any recalls. If a device tends to run hot or has a poor safety record, give it a pass.
  • Keep your devices in good shape. Always check for wear and tear, including loose cases, exposed wires, and worn-down cords. These can indicate your devices are getting worn down and need to be replaced or taken in for service.
  • Follow the instructions in your owner’s manual. Many electronics today have their owner’s manuals online, but it is worth the extra effort to read them. Knowing how to operate your device safely can mean keeping it out of specific extreme temperatures or maintaining your device correctly. Keep in mind, too, that if you do not follow the instructions and do not use your device as it was intended, you increase your risk of injury. If you do not use your device as intended or attempt to alter it, you may also lose your ability to seek compensation if you are injured.
  • Get medical help if you are injured. If your device does cause you any injury, immediately unplug it or shut it down and seek medical help. Even a burn can put you at risk of infection and may require you to get a tetanus shot, so always get checked out.
  • Keep documentation. If you are injured, keep your malfunctioning device, any medical records, any receipts related to your injury, and any other evidence you have. Take photos of your injuries and make notes of any time you miss at work or any medical appointments you have related to your injury.
  • Contact a products liability attorney in Homestead or your community. Defective products cases in South Florida can be complex because your telecentric devices may have components from many companies. An attorney can help you understand whether you have a claim and can represent you if you file a lawsuit. He or she can find and pursue all relevant liable parties so you have the best chance of seeking compensation for your lost wages, medical bills, property damage, and other losses.

Products liability cases involving electronic devices benefit from an attorney because these cases tend to involve facial injuries (from cell phones) and burn injuries, which may require treatments which are deemed “cosmetic” and may not be covered by medical insurance. If you have been injured, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation. We understand how devastating injuries can be and we work to ensure you get compensation so you get the medical care and support you need.