Campus Safety Tips for College Students in Miami and Florida

At this time of year, as college students in Miami and other areas of Florida head back to school, campus safety is at the forefront of many parents’ minds. While campuses have security and other features to keep students safe, serious injuries can and do occur on college campuses.

Each year, college students are injured or even killed in assaults, fires, pedestrian accidents, car accidents, and other incidents. In many cases, the fractures, head trauma, and other injuries suffered by college students are preventable.

There are few ways college students can stay safe this year:

Drink responsibly

If you are a student, drinking less lets you stay aware of your surroundings and prevents you from falling or stepping in front of a car due to impaired mobility.

In addition, be cautious about who you receive drinks from. If you need to leave the room for awhile, take your drink with you or leave your drink with a trusted friend.

If you do decide to drink, make sure you have a safe way to get home. Designate a driver or stay at a friend’s home. Take a taxi with friends. Avoid drinking and driving or walking home inebriated.

Stay alert to your surroundings

Putting away mobile devices and staying aware of your surroundings reduces your risk of assault, theft, and pedestrian accidents in Miami or anywhere on your campus.

Keep an eye on your belongings and if something seems strange or you feel uncomfortable, go to a public spot on campus. Avoid walking alone at night or in remote parts of your campus. If you attend an on-campus event, stay aware and leave with friends. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Get familiar with security on campus and use it

Most campuses have security options for students. There may be emergency buttons you can press to call security. There may be a security office with guards. Your campus may also have a walk home safe program which ensures someone will walk home with you if you need to get back from the library after dark. Get familiar with the options on your campus and use them regularly.

Protect your dorm room

While your dorm room may feel safe, each year break ins and serious injuries happen in dorms. Make sure you keep your space safe by always locking the doors behind you and possibly using a dead bolt at night. Report any issues, such as broken windows and doors or slippery spots or burnt out light bulbs to your RA.

If you live off-campus, look for safe housing with good safety features. Check windows, doors, and locks to make sure they work before you move in. Use a deadbolt to keep your home safe.

Have you been injured on a campus? If so, you may have a liability claim that lets you seek compensation for lost wages, lost time at school, and other losses. To find out more contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Miami premises liability attorney.