Planning for a Safe Thanksgiving in Homestead

Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and this year it will be slightly different as many residents of Homestead and South Florida are deciding whether to reduce exposure by limiting get-togethers. To have a safe Thanksgiving, you may wish to use masks, practice social distancing, and reduce family circles or gatherings. Some Hollywood residents are choosing to host their celebrations outside, to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

In addition to avoiding the spread of COVID-19, there are other steps you will want to take to make sure your Thanksgiving is a safe one:

  • Reduce the risk of foodborne illness: Check to make sure that the ingredients you are purchasing for your Thanksgiving meal haven’t been recalled. Always read the preparation instructions and follow the instructions carefully. Hot food should be served piping hot and cold foods should be served cold. Do not leave foods out at room temperature. If you are preparing turkey for another meat, make sure to wash the surfaces you are using regularly to avoid cross contamination. That is, avoid placing other materials or food products on the same surface or using the same utensils used for the raw meat on uncooked foods, such as raw veggies.
  • Reduce the risk of drunk driving: If you will be serving alcohol at a Thanksgiving event, keep an eye on the number of drinks served and stop serving alcohol early. Be sure to offer guests a place to stay or a safe way to get home to avoid drunk driving. If you’re heading out to see family during Thanksgiving, make sure you have a safe way to get home if there will be any alcohol served.
  • Plan for safe holiday shopping: One of the big traditions of Thanksgiving is the Black Friday sales which immediately follow the holiday. If you plan on going shopping, make sure you have a plan, wear comfortable shoes and clothing, and are aware of the risk of injury from the crowds. Consider shopping online or reserving products from stores ahead of time. With the pandemic, many stores are offering alternatives to shopping in person, which keeps you not only safe from COVID-19 but also from trip and fall injuries.

At Flaxman Law Group, we’d like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving with friends and loved ones. If you need us during the holidays, we will continue to be available. You will be able to reach our lines and reach a live person if you are injured and require legal representation. Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Homestead personal injury attorney. During the pandemic, our law firm offers virtual consultations, as well, to keep you safe.