Are You Living With Paralysis in Cutler Bay?

People in Cutler Bay and across Florida live with paralysis after suffering an illness or injury which causes the brain and parts of the muscles or body to not communicate correctly. When this happens, parts of the body can no longer move.

The legal team at Flaxman Law Group has worked with many patients seeking a paralysis claim in Cutler Bay. Our team has seen firsthand how paralysis caused by a work injury or bicycle crash can change a life.

What Causes Paralysis?

Paralysis is most often caused by spinal cord trauma, which can be caused by car collisions, sports injuries, and similar incidents. However, it can also occur because of a stroke or because of certain illnesses, such as some autoimmune disorders. Birth trauma can also cause paralysis if a baby is deprived of oxygen or suffers injury.

What is the Outlook for Paralysis in Cutler Bay?

Cutler Bay and Florida in general have excellent hospitals, specialists, and medical care. While not all cases of paralysis can be reversed, quality medical care, physical therapy, and counseling can help patients recover as much mobility as possible and enjoy the highest quality of life they can.

How patients live with paralysis depends in part on how severe the condition is. Someone who is fully paralyzed from the neck down may have different challenges than someone who has paraplegia, or paralysis from the waist down. In some cases, patients have trouble expelling secretions from their lungs because their chest area is affected or have trouble with bowel functions, which can lead to further complications.

What Should I Do If I Have Been Paralyzed?

Whether your injury was caused by a truck accident or construction site fall or any other situation, it is important to seek medical advice from specialists and to continue treatment and therapy.

Researchers are hopeful that at some point in the future patients of spinal cord injury and other injuries will be able to regain movement and sensation. In the meantime, patients may undergo surgery and rehabilitation to minimize the effects of paralysis and to get any function possible back. Counseling is often advised, too, since the emotional impact of paralysis can be considerable. Doctors pay attention to any possible complications, such as circulatory system problems or pneumonia risk, which can affect patients.

Seeking a Cutler Bay Paralysis Injury Claim

The costs of living with paralysis can be considerable. Patients may need wheelchairs or other medical devices to regain some function, and these medical devices will need to be upgraded over a lifetime. Those living with paralysis will require ongoing medical care and treatment for the rest of their lives, in many cases. In many cases, patients may be more limited in their career options if they cannot perform physical tasks because of their injury.

If your paralysis was caused by a traffic accident, sports injury, or any case where someone’s negligence may have contributed to the incident, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Cutler Bay paralysis claims attorney.

At Flaxman Law Group, we have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of plaintiffs who were injured through no fault of their own. Our caring legal team has more than 60 years of combined experience and we have recovered on behalf of people who have suffered paralysis. It costs nothing to have a free accident consultation with us and there is no obligation, so contact us today.