New Research for Spinal Cord Injury Patients in Hollywood

New research in spinal cord injury treatment is being developed all the time, and recent breakthroughs are especially promising for patients. One recent development in spinal cord implants has allowed a man with a severe spinal cord injury to walk again. Developers of the implant, which sends electrical impulses to the muscles much like the brain does, are hopeful the technology can be used to help other patients regain mobility after traumatic injury. Currently, the development team is still conducting trials.

Another breakthrough in research is also important, although for a different reason. A study published by a team of Michigan researchers has found that patients with spinal cord injury had an 80% heightened risk of developing anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders when compared with individuals who didn’t have a spinal cord injury. Researchers in the study concluded that more mental health support and better early detection of such conditions are needed for spinal cord injury patients.

What Does the Research Mean For Spinal Cord Injury Patients in Hollywood?

These two recent pieces of research suggest that Hollywood spinal cord injury patients need more support. Developments such as spinal cord implants offer new hope, but they are not inexpensive. New technology comes with a high price tag and medical insurance companies are not always willing to pay for new developments, sometimes calling these treatments “experimental” and thus not covered by most policies. This suggests patients with traumatic injuries need to ensure they pursue any financial options available to them–so they can pay for treatment which improves their quality of life.

The study out of Michigan also suggests that spinal cord patients need a holistic approach to healing—an approach that includes mental health supports as well as other services and treatment. Again, this can mean medical and support services which may not be covered by insurance providers. Medical insurers may not see mental health help as essential or related to the spinal cord injury, which can make it harder to get treatment covered.

If you have been injured in a car accident, workplace accident, construction site fall, or any incident in Hollywood and have suffered a traumatic spinal cord injury, you may wish to speak with the legal team at Flaxman Law Group right away to determine whether you have a legal claim.

If you have been injured and have a legal claim, it can be important to pursue compensation. Fair compensation can help pay for medical care, including mental health help, future medical costs, and the costs of future advancements. Pursuing compensation may help place you in a better financial position to improve your chances of healing from your injury.

With compensation, you have money to replace lost wages, pay for care and medical treatment, and more. You are free to focus on your healing, without worrying about immediate financial distress.

Before you accept an insurance offer or sign any documentation related to your injury or accident, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood spinal cord injury claims attorney. Our legal team has more than 60 years of combined experience helping spinal cord patients and other injured individuals in Southern Florida. We have already recovered over $100 million on behalf of our clients and we’re always available for a consultation if you have been injured. Contact us today to explore options which may be available to you.