Have You Been Exposed to Asbestos In Coral Gables?
Asbestos was used in industry, manufacturing, and in home construction for decades. Today, we know that asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma, an aggressive form of cancer, but since the time between exposure and diagnosis can be decades, it can be difficult for injured patients to seek the justice and compensation they deserve.
If you have worked in manufacturing, industry, or have lived or worked on a property where you suspect you may have been exposed to asbestos, you will want to advise your doctor so you can be screened carefully for cancer affecting the lungs and the linings of your vital organs.
If you have already been diagnosed with mesothelioma or cancer and feel it may have been due to asbestos exposure, you may wish to speak with an attorney experienced in Coral Gables mesothelioma injury claims. The treatments for mesothelioma are expensive and aggressive, so pursuing fair compensation may be important. If you are the immediate family member of someone who has passed on due to asbestos exposure, you may also wish to speak to an attorney about a wrongful death claim in Coral Gables.
Preventing Exposure
Unfortunately, many patients who develop asbestos-related diseases or cancers only find out too late they have been exposed, especially since the effects of exposure can take decades to manifest. In some cases, patients with mesothelioma are not sure where they have been exposed to asbestos. There are, however, ways, you can minimize your risk:
- Wear the correct protective equipment: If you work in a manufacturing, industrial, or other setting where you may be exposed to asbestos or other hazards, get training in the correct safety procedures and always wear protective equipment correctly. Get regular retraining to make sure you are using current best practices to stay safe.
- Do not attempt home renovations without understanding your risk: Some homes contain asbestos building materials, including ceiling tiles, shingles, siding, and more. If you have a home built before the 1980s, always get building materials tested before attempting any renovations. Asbestos is especially deadly when it is disturbed and becomes dust particles you can inhale, so confirm your home is asbestos-free before starting to tear down tiles or building materials.
- Leave asbestos to the experts: If asbestos is discovered in your home or workplace, hire qualified and experienced asbestos experts to assess the risk and to mediate the hazard. Never attempt to remove or handle asbestos yourself.
What To Do After Your Diagnosis
If you have been diagnosed with a cancer related to asbestos, you will be working with your medical team on your treatment. You may also wish to consult with a Coral Gables mesothelioma claims attorney to find out whether you have a claim. If you have a claim against the manufacturers of the asbestos materials you were exposed to or against other liable parties, you may be able to pursue compensation to help pay for your care and losses.
To find out whether you have a mesothelioma claim, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a mesothelioma injury claims attorney in Coral Gables. Our legal team has more than 60 years of experience and a network of professionals to help build a strong case.