Summer Personal Injury Kits

In the summer, many of us are more active, taking part in more outdoor activities and more sports. While this can mean that the summer is one of the times when we are at our best physically, it can also mean a few more injuries, including more cuts and scrapes and more serious injuries, such as burn injuries. It can be a good idea to assemble a first aid kit to be ready for the inevitable bruises and bug bites. Items you should include in your first aid kit for the summer include:

1) Emergency phone numbers. Your emergency phone numbers should be right inside the first aid kit. They should include the phone number of your local police stations, your doctor, your pharmacist, your poison control center, your dentist, and your vet. You should also include contact information for every member of your family.

2) Thermometer. A thermometer is useful in detecting fevers, which can signal anything from a flu to a serious allergic reaction to heat stroke.

3) Ice packs. Ice packs can soothe any swelling or burns.

4) Hydrocortisone cream. This skin cream is useful for minor scrapes and minor skin irritations.

5) Sunscreen. You should have bottles of sunscreen in your car, medicine cabinet, first aid kit, purse, and by your door, so that you remember to spray often.

6) Bug spray. Bug bites can cause serious allergic reactions and can spread diseases such as the West Nile Virus or Lyme disease. Keep small spray bottles of bug spray with you at all times during the summer.

7) Vinegar and alcohol. This mixture can be put in ears after swimming to prevent “swimmer’s ear.”
8) Bandages and gauze. Bandages are a must for small skin injuries and cuts while gauze can help stop bleeding from larger wounds.

9) Antibiotic ointment and antibacterial spray. Both these items are useful in preventing infections and in promotion healing of minor injuries.