What Will Happen to Your Income After a Personal Injury?
There are many difficulties and problems that can affect a person’s life after a personal injury caused by a car accident, trucking accident, or other injury. In addition to the emotional impact of a serious injury and the focus on recovery, far too many personal injury victims may face financial distress as well.
Many brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and other serious injuries leave people unable to return to work for some time. Some personal injury victims are permanently injured and can never return to their normal income. Worse, many people suffering from a serious injury face considerable medical bills at a time when they have lost their income.
Even less serious injuries can mean time away for work as injured parties visit doctors or specialists. Since Florida is a no-fault state in terms of car insurance, in the event of injuries caused by a car accident, your own policy will pay for up to 60% of your lost wages which result from your injury. Even if the accident was not your fault, your insurance provider will pay up to your coverage limits. Unfortunately, if your policy does not cover the full cost of your treatment and lost wages, you may still have to pay for some of your costs. As well, living on only 60% of your income while you recover may create problems for you. Some insurance policies take some time to pay as well. If your injuries were not caused by a car accident, your case may be more complex.
If you are lucky enough to have a passive income or considerable savings, you may find that you are able to pay for your medical costs and lost income. However, if this is not the case for you, you may find yourself concerned about finances while you should be focusing on recovery. This is one reason why hiring a qualified Florida personal injury attorney is so important.
A good Florida personal injury lawyer can advise you on your case and can help you make decisions that protect your long-term and short-term interests. A qualified attorney can ensure that you get the benefits you are entitled to under the law as well as good medical treatment. Finally, a good attorney can help negotiate with insurance providers and other responsible parties to ensure that you get fair and prompt financial assistance when you need it.
If you have sustained a serious injury in Florida, you will need to contact your insurance provider promptly and fill out a number of forms. You may need to fill out an application for benefits, for example, as well as additional forms that your doctor may need to verify. In addition to contacting your insurance provider and keeping meticulous records regarding your injury and claim, it may be important to contact a good personal injury attorney soon after your accident. A good Florida attorney can help protect you as you recover and can help ensure that you lose as few wages as possible.