Inadequate Security is a Concern for Property Owners
Companies are facing inadequate security cases at a much higher rate in recent years. Real estate companies and companies managing multiple properties or multiple unit properties need to be especially vigilant in ensuring that their properties are safe. Inadequate security cases usually occur when a violent crime or accident occurs in or on property that is not correctly kept secure. In many cases, these cases arise because a property owner knew about a possible danger but failed to make the property more secure.
For example, if a sexual assault occurs on a property, the victim can pursue action against a property owner if the property owner has failed to take proper security measures for the property. If parking areas are inadequately secured or if a property is poorly lit and someone is assaulted on the property, the victim of a violent crime on the property may be able to seek an inadequate security action.
If a victim of a violent crime that has occurred due to inadequate security has sustained personal injuries, such as brain injuries or broken bones, the victim can seek legal help to recover medical costs for these injuries. In addition, the victim is entitled under the law to seek financial help for any lost income or property damage that has occurred as a result of the crime.
Inadequate security cases usually involve an average settlement of $600 000. This is because the victim of a violent crime usually sustains a significant loss during a crime caused by inadequate security. A victim may need counselling for some time after the attack in order to recover fully. The patient may also need short-term emergency medical help as well as long-term rehabilitation and treatment to recover well. Some victims are cut or injured in a way that requires cosmetic surgery or even multiple surgeries. Since victims must attend counselling and must seek medical case, they may experience lost income. In addition, some patients are so traumatized by the crime that they have a hard time returning to work. The law ensures that victims are compensated for these costs so that they can recover as fully as possible after their attack.
Inadequate security cases are a form of premises liability where owners are responsible for foreseeing the actions of criminal third parties. This means that in adequate security cases, the issues often revolve around the idea of whether or not an owner could reasonably foresee whether someone could commit a criminal act. If a property owner knew of a previous attack on the premises, for example, and failed to make the property more secure, he or she may be held liable for a new attack. If a property owner knew of some security breaches or problems that could be exploited by a criminal but failed to act on these problems, he or she could be held liable for crimes that occur as a result of the security problems.
Even if a criminal is not apprehended, a victim can still seek an inadequate security judgement if a property owner has failed to make their property reasonably safe. Owners are expected to take measures such as repairing broken locks, screening employees that work on and around a property, and taking other measures to prevent crimes. If crime trends in an area change, the owners may be expected to take additional measures or may be expected to tell residents about these changes. If a property is in a high-crime area, property owners may need to hire security guards or screen visitors and guests in order to create a safe environment.