Planning Fireworks? Prevent Injuries After July 4th

Over the holiday weekend, two people were injured in South Florida due to fireworks-related accidents. A man in Coral Springs sustained serious injuries to the face when hit by a firework. A man in Pembroke Pines was also injured when trying to light a firework. In Coral Springs, a garage fire that caused extensive damage over the weekend was started when someone was lighting fireworks and one of the fireworks traveled further than anticipated. In all three cases, the injuries involved fireworks displays at home.

Home fireworks cause Florida burn injuries and other serious injuries each year. They can cause damage the eyes and face, as they can misfire or fire more quickly than users suggest. Since children are especially attracted to fireworks, they are also a cause of injuries to children and teens.

Now that the Fourth of July weekend is over, however, there is still cause for parents to remain concerned and vigilant. Many retailers still sell fireworks after the holidays and in many homes, leftover fireworks are left over from the holiday. As well, some retailers offer discounts on unused stock, making them an attractive purchase for teens.

If you have fireworks in your home, now is the time to dispose of them or store them safely. Read the instructions and warnings on the label and be sure to follow all directions carefully. If you are saving fireworks for later in the summer, store them well out of reach of children, preferably in a locked room or cabinet that stays cool and dry. Make certain that children cannot easily access the keys to the area.

If you have older teens, consider having a talk with them about fireworks safety. Discuss the risks of burn injuries, eye injuries, and other common fireworks-related injuries. Set rules about fireworks. For example, make sure that your children know that unsupervised fireworks are out of bounds and discourage them from purchasing fireworks from retailers to use in private.

If you plan on having some fireworks display for an event this summer, consider leaving it to the experts. Professionals can put on very impressive displays while keeping you and your family safe. If you do decide to launch your own fireworks, do so with caution and by following all manufacturer’s directions.

If you or a loved one have been injured by fireworks, you may need a South Florida personal injury attorney to help you understand your rights and options. Contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free accident consultation to learn about your legal options. With offices in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami, the Flaxman Law Group is proud to serve the entire South Florida community.