Is Your Home Equipped to Prevent South Miami Burn Injuries?
South Miami burn injuries occur every day, affecting victims in every age group and from all walks of life. Burn injuries can be caused by a number of incidents, including fires, South Miami truck accidents, chemical spills, South Miami motorcycle accidents, and other accidents. However, experts agree that these types of injuries are preventable. There are many things you can do to help prevent burn injuries:
1) Check chemicals in your home. Many people associate South Miami burn injuries with fires, but many chemicals can cause serious burns as well. Even everyday household cleaners and items have toxic chemicals that cause second-degree burns, and children are especially vulnerable to these types of injuries. Carefully check all the chemicals and cleaning agents you bring into your home. Any chemicals that are toxic or corrosive should be kept in a locked area, well out of reach of children. Any flammable chemicals that can explode when heated should be kept in a cool and dry environment. Dispose of these items safely if the packaging or containers become corroded or damaged.
2) Have a working smoke detector. A smoke detector helps alert your family of a fire so that there is enough time to escape before burn injuries or smoke inhalation create a tragedy. Make sure that there are enough smoke detectors in your home. At minimum, there should be one for each floor and one smoke detector for each bedroom, but additional detectors are a good idea. Test the detectors and change the batteries twice a year.
3) Check the settings on your home water heater. Hot water from a tap can be hot enough to burn, and is a leading cause of burns to small children. Turning down the temperature of your water heater can help prevent these types of South Miami burn injuries and can even help you save money. When bathing a small child, another good precaution is to run the cold water first and then add hot water as needed.
4) Have a fire escape plan. A smoke detector alone is not enough. You also need a written fire escape plan that lets everyone in your family know exactly what to do in the event that the fire detector goes off.
5) Identify sources of steam in your home. Steam can easily cause second-degree burns, so identify kettles and other sources of steam. Find ways to minimize the risk of steam-related injuries. For example, ensure that the area above your stove is high enough that you can reach your stove area with plenty of clearance if you need to reach the back burners while cooking.
6) Have a safety kit at home. Have an emergency first aid kit at home, including non-stick adhesive pads which can keep an injury clean while it heals. Also ensuring that your family is to up to date with immunizations, as second degree burns require tetanus immunizations.
If you have sustained a serious burn injury, contact the Flaxman Law Group to be apprised of your rights and options. Your initial consultation costs nothing and comes with no obligation.