Could Staying By a Patient Help After a Miami Injury?
A recent study at the Children’s National Medical Center found that medical care does not suffer when families are allowed to remain by a child patient and the family’s presence may actually help the child. According to Dr. Karen O’Connell, the lead author of the study, there is a common misconception that families in the ER or in the trauma ward may get in the way of care but the study in fact suggests that families can provide comfort and ease some of the pain.
The study examined 145 cases at one of the country’s busiest children’s hospitals, where children are often treated for trauma following car accidents and other serious trauma. Researchers set up cameras in the hospital to watch the outcomes of the cases. In about half of the cases, families were allowed to stay with the children. In these cases, medical care did not suffer and in some cases children were more comfortable.
The findings support the perspective of the American College of Surgeons, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and other groups who have suggested that keeping families close to children in the hospital can be beneficial. However, less than ten percent of hospital have written policies in place to allow families to stay with children during treatment and at many hospitals families are routinely placed in waiting areas rather than permitted to stay with an injured child.
If a child in your family has suffered a Miami personal injury, there are many things you can do to help provide the best possible care:
1) Ask about the hospital’s policy about visiting and remaining with your child. If you prefer, ask to remain with your child. In many cases, staff will permit you if they are comfortable with the idea.
2) Take careful notes of what doctors tell you about the diagnosis and treatment. Consider writing down any important information so that you remember. Having a serious injured child is stressful enough and knowing what is going on may be able to help you prevent a Miami misdiagnosis from affecting your child’s treatment.
3) Make sure that everyone involved with your child’s care knows about any medications, serious allergies, or pre-existing conditions that affect your child. Offer reminders and ask questions if something seems amiss. You may be able to prevent a Miami medical error by being vigilant as an advocate for your child.
4) Stay calm and follow instructions so that the staff can do their job. One reason why many ERs are hesitant about family involvement is because they fear hysteria. Staying calm and helping staff help your child ensures that you are welcome in the hospital and ensures that your child gets the care they deserve. Whether you are there after a Miami car accident or another type of injury, staying calm is important. Creating problems ensures that security will likely get involved.
If your child has been injured due to someone’s recklessness or negligence, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange a free, no obligation consultation to discuss how to best safeguard your child’s future. The Flaxman Law Group is a full service law firm. Call today to find out what we can do for you.