Bicycle Helmets are a Must to Prevent Davie Brain Injuries
A new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal by researcher Navindra Persaud has concluded that cyclists who ride without helmets are three time more likely to suffer a fatal head injury when compared with cyclists who do wear helmets.
Experts agree that helmets are the best way to prevent Davie head injuries caused by bicycle accidents and Davie motorcycle accidents. However, despite educational programs, some bicyclists still make the decision to ride without a helmet. To prevent injuries, however, it is important to always wear a helmet when on a bicycle (or motorcycle). There are a few ways to do this:
1) Know that not all helmets are the same. Wearing any helmet is not enough. It is important that the helmet meets current safety regulations and has never been in an accident. For these two reasons, it is important to buy a helmet new. New helmets that provide protection against injury are available in all price points, so there is no need to spend a lot of money to stay safe.
2) Get a helmet you will enjoy wearing. Shop around to find a helmet that you really like – you will be more likely to wear it if it is a style you enjoy.
3) Make it easy to wear a helmet each time you ride. Keep your helmet by your bicycle at all times and consider having an extra helmet on hand, just in case. Your helmet cannot help you in a Davie bicycle accident if you are not wearing it.
4) Think beyond the helmet. Just wearing a helmet is not enough. Make sure you follow traffic rules and laws. Stay alert and visible. Make eye contact with motorists sharing the road so that they see you.
5) Ensure a proper fit. Helmets need to stay on your head to protect you in an accident. If your helmet is too loose and flies off, it will not protect you from a Davie head injury. When buying a helmet, check carefully to ensure that the helmet does not move more than an inch in any direction when you shake your head. The helmet should also not come off when you shake your head. If you are buying a helmet for a child, check the helmet’s fit every few months to ensure that the child has not grown out of their helmet.
6) Refuse to ride your bicycle without a helmet. Preventing a Davie drunk driving accident comes down to one thing: motorists refusing to drive after drinking. Preventing bicycle-related head injuries comes down to a similar thing: bicyclists refusing to ride without a properly fitted and secured helmet. If you lose your helmet or it becomes damaged, walk or take another mode of transportation until you can replace your helmet.
7) Make your helmet visible. Always wear reflective clothing when bicycling – clothing that makes it easy for motorists to see you. You can make yourself more visible on the road by choosing reflective helmets or helmets with lights on them.
If you have suffered a serious injury in a Davie bicycle accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange a free accident consultation to discuss your case. Your future and healing may be at stake, so review your case with an attorney before you make any final decisions.