Coping with the Emotional Toll of a Homestead Personal Injury
Sustaining a serious injury in a car accident in Homestead – or through any incident – results not only in physical pain and suffering but also in a big emotional and personal toll. While it’s easy to notice the physical impact of a soft tissue injury or spinal cord injury in Homestead, though, it can be harder to notice the emotional impact, and that can make it harder to deal with the personal effects of a serious injury or accident.
Whether you have been in a bicycle accident in Homestead or have sustained a serious injury through some other way, keep in mind that healing requires not only care of your physical body. You will also want to take care of yourself emotionally. You can do this by:
1) Speaking to someone about the accident, injury, and its effects. Speaking with a therapist, counselor, or other professional can help you. If you are having trouble finding a professional, you can ask your doctor for a referral. Since the costs of this type of help can be high, speak with a personal injury attorney in Homestead or your community to get legal advice about all the options you may have for pursuing compensation.
2) Finding a support system. Turning to your friends, family, and social circle is important at a time like this. If you don’t have much support in your life, ask your doctor about support groups and other organizations that may be able to provide this type of help.
3) Taking good care of yourself. Many patients who have sustained a serious injury such as an amputation or fracture want to get right back to their everyday life and end up pushing themselves too hard. Trying to return to the daily grind too soon can mean re-injury and too much stress. Take the time to eat well, get follow-up medical care, and get plenty of rest. If you are concerned about lost income, consult with a personal injury lawyer to discuss compensation options that could help ease the burden.
4) Engaging in hobbies that build your confidence and reduce stress. Whether it’s painting, reading, or something else, quiet hobbies can relax your mind and can make you feel good about yourself.
5) Finding productive ways to deal with anger and other negative emotions. After a serious injury, it’s common to feel frustration, grief, anger, depression, sadness, and a host of other emotions. It’s important to find a productive way to deal with these emotions, whether that’s some form of doctor approved exercise or just talking with a friend.
6) Keeping track of your emotional healing. If you have a fractured arm, you can probably see it getting better and feeling less painful with time. How can you know whether you are regaining a positive outlook and more confidence as you heal? One good option is to keep a journal expressing your feelings. You can also work with a support group or counselor if you are struggling with your emotions.
The Flaxman Law Group understands that the process of healing from a serious injury is a long struggle that affects every area of your life. We want to help. Our goal is to help injured patients get legal advice and we help plaintiffs pursue compensation to reduce the financial burden and money-related stress of serious injuries. To find out whether you qualify for compensation, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free, no obligation case evaluation.