Campus Safety Tips

Campuses in Miami and other Florida cities have security teams and safety policies to keep students safe. The aim of colleges is to provide a good education to students, but these organizations are also expected by law to take reasonable steps to keep students safe from harm.

dorm injuries

Unfortunately, as a number of recent events at the University of Florida and other campuses has shown, campuses can attract violence and crime. To stay safe at school, college students will want to follow these tips:

1) Keep doors and windows locked.

In many cases, violence such as assault on Miami and Florida campuses can occur because campuses are open spaces. At most schools, virtually anyone can wander onto a campus. Some students choose to keep their doors or windows open all night, and this can make accessing the dorms even easier. Getting a sturdy lock for the door and keeping doors closed and locked can help control who enters the dorms.

2) Get familiar with walk-home programs and other safety resources.

Most campuses have resources to help students stay safe, but these resources are not always advertised. It is important for students to get familiar with the programs that can help keep them safe.

3) Stay alert of your surroundings.

Get familiar with the campus and especially the location of emergency call buttons, security personnel, and other important security features. When walking, stay alert of your surroundings and choose better-lit paths and areas. Being distracted and not noticing what is happening around you can make it easier for an assailant to close in. To get more tips on staying safe on campus, it is a good idea to sign up for self-defense and safety classes. Many college campuses offer these types of classes, sometimes at little or no cost.

4) Report dangerous situations and follow up until changes are made.

Broken doors, suspicious activity on campus, missing smoke detectors, poorly lit parking lots and other dangers should be reported to campus management at once. Unfortunately, some schools take time to respond to issues such as these, so it is important to follow up and to keep reminding the school about their obligation to school safety. Schools can be held liable in premises liability lawsuits in Miami and Florida if they do not handle maintenance issues and safety issues promptly.

5) Advocate for better campus safety.

Many campuses have safety groups or advocacy groups for students. Student government is also usually involved in ensuring that the campus is accessible and safe for everyone. Joining these types of organizations (or creating one if no advocacy group exists) can be a way to show the college that students take safety seriously. A group may also have an easier time than an individual student in changing school policies or pushing the school to make safety changes.

Have you been the victim of assault or another injury on a Florida campus? You can fight back. To find out whether you have a claim and to get a personal injury attorney negotiating for you and fighting for your rights, contact Flaxman Law Group to arrange a free accident consultation. Our team of attorneys can meet with you to discuss your options and your potential case.