Keeping a Mobile Home Safer
Florida has many mobile homes, in part because some families buy these affordable options as a home and in part because these manufactured homes can be an affordable way to enjoy a second, vacation property. Residents who live out of state also buy affordable mobile homes for wintering in Florida.
Mobile homes in Florida must be manufactured to comply with the latest U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, which were updated in 1994. In addition, all mobile homes must be installed to comply with Rule Chapter 15C-1, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Despite these strict regulations to keep homeowners safer, residents living in these properties may be more vulnerable to injuries from tornadoes, fires, and other disasters in some cases. If you own this type of property, here’s how to stay safer:
1) Have a tornado disaster plan.
Today’s mobile homes are manufactured to withstand stronger winds. Nevertheless, safety experts warn mobile residents to leave their mobile homes in the event of an impending tornado and seek sturdier shelter. Have an emergency plan for tornados and be sure to identify a strong and sturdy building where you can wait out a serious storm in safety.
2) Get additional insurance.
Mobile homes are susceptible to tornado damage, so make sure that your policy will cover any damages. Buy the best insurance you can afford and review or update it at least every few years so that you have the best possible coverage for the best price.
3) Have added fire extinguishers and smoke alarms on hand.
Mobile home fires are a serious danger because these residences are smaller. The smaller space means that residents have less time to escape before fire races through the small space and engulfs the home in smoke and flames. This can mean a serious risk for smoke inhalation and burn injuries in your Miami or Florida home. You will want to equip your home with smoke detectors, carbon monoxide alarms, and fire extinguishers so that you have the best chance possible in the event of a fire.
4) Maintain the house carefully.
If you are buying an older mobile home, especially, make sure that it is up to code and meets current guidelines for safety. Have the wiring checked to ensure that it is not a fire risk. Once you have moved in, keep the home well maintained to reduce the risk of electrical fires and other preventable dangers.
5) If you are shopping for a new manufactured home, investigate carefully.
Compare mobile home parks, manufacturers, and installers carefully. Check for information about recalls and service issues to ensure that you work with reliable professionals who will provide you with a safe home.
A mobile home can be a safe and affordable way to live in Florida. Whether a mobile/manufactured home is your second home in Florida or your main residence, make sure that you avoid injury and expensive losses by choosing your home carefully and taking a few precautions to stay safer.
If you are injured due to negligent manufacturers, installers, or others, contact Flaxman Law Group. Our South Florida law firm can help you understand whether you have a claim and can help you determine what steps you may want to take to protect your interests. Your first consultation with us is free and comes with no obligation, so contact us today to go over the details of your potential case.