Preventing Injuries in School

At this time of year, many students and parents are excited about new school routines, new classrooms, and a whole new school year. While school is meant to be an education and safe space for children, however, children are seriously injured each year on school grounds and when walking to and from school.

college hazing

This is a good time to review safety tips with your child and to introduce a few smart safety practices to your child’s routine to enjoy a whole year of safer classes:

1) Review your child’s school safety measures. Schools should have a printed manual or policy, outlining safety standards, emergency routines, bullying policies, and more. Get to know this document and what it means for keeping your child safe. Be sure to follow guidelines at your child’s school; they are there to keep kids safe.

2) Update your child’s file. Your child’s file should be updated with any medical information needed to keep your child safe. For example, if your child is injured and has their mobility compromised, they may need extra time to get to classes safely or may need additional accommodation to stay safe. Make sure your current numbers are listed in the school’s files so the school can reach you in case of an emergency.

3) Choose a safe route to and from school. Whether your child is dropped off or walks, takes the bus, or bicycles, choose a safe route together. Make sure your morning routine allows for enough to get to school in plenty of time, since speeding and rushing can increase the risk of injuries. If your child is walking, make sure they are a safe pedestrian and consider having your child walk with other kids to ensure visibility and safety. If your child is biking, make sure they have a safe route, a good helmet, visible and reflective clothing, and the bicycle skills to get to and from school safely.

4) Take a look at school sports and after-school activities. If your child is taking part in any activities, make sure they have any safety gear they need. Get to know which faculty and staff are supervising and keep communication open to ensure your child stays safe.

5) Talk to your child about safety and encourage them to speak up. Talking about safety and how your kids can stay safe can get your children thinking about safety and their own role. Make sure they know that if they see something frightening, such as bullying or unsafe conditions, they speak up to teachers and talk to you about it.

6) Take an active role in promoting safety at school. Consider volunteering for trips and events where extra supervision is needed or take part in parents’ organizations committed to school safety. You will be making a positive difference in keeping all students safer.

If your child has been injured at school, you may have lots of questions. To get answers, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood personal injury attorney. Our professional and compassionate legal team can explain any legal options you have and can explain how much your potential case may be worth.