Can a Miami Personal Injury Attorney Help You Avoid Bankruptcy?

Each year, many of the Americans who are forced to file for bankruptcy do so due to high medical bills and unexpected accidents or injuries. In many cases, when an unexpected injury or accident occurs, those who are most vulnerable cannot pay for the high medical costs, lost income, and other expenses associated with the accident. If someone is already struggling or living paycheck to paycheck, they may not have the extra money to pay for added expenses. In situations like these, some injury victims turn to bankruptcy because they are unable to pay their bills and the new expenses. While bankruptcy can provide a fresh start – and relief from debt collectors – it can also be a very arduous process and can harm your credit rating for up to ten years.

Fortunately, Florida law does protect you if you have incurred lost income, medical costs, and other expenses due to someone’s recklessness or injury. In the event of a Miami car accident or other accident caused by someone’s negligence, you can seek compensation to cover your medical costs and other expenses. The money you can get through a fair settlement can help you pay for your accident-related costs without you having to get rid of your assets. It can ensure that you do not have to put yourself at financial risk in order to pay for an accident or injury that was not your fault.

In many cases, you do not even have to pay an attorney up front in order to seek justice in your case. Many Miami personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means that you only pay if and when the attorney recovers money on your behalf. This ensures that you do not need to worry about legal costs in addition to your regular bill payments.

After an accident, insurance can help defray the costs of your accident, but in many cases insurance does not cover all the costs of an accident. If you have been in a Miami truck accident, for example, car insurance can help pay for car repairs and immediate medical expenses. However, it may not pay all medical expenses and will not generally pay for long-term medical care. Your case may be worth more than you realize, which is why it is so valuable to discuss your case with an experienced Miami personal injury attorney. Remember: any costs not covered by insurance will come out of your own pocket, and these costs can really place you in financial peril.

No personal injury attorney can help you avoid bankruptcy entirely. However, a good attorney can help you protect your rights after an accident or injury so that you do not have to pay the costs out of pocket. With medical costs and unexpected illness and injury leading the causes of bankruptcy, it makes sense to consult with a qualified Miami personal injury attorney if you think you have a case. An attorney can help you fight for compensation if you qualify. If you do not qualify for a legal case and you do need to file for bankruptcy, a qualified Miami bankruptcy attorney can also assist you with the bankruptcy process, can offer advice, and can ensure that your filing is correct.

If you have suffered a serious injury or believe that you may need to file for bankruptcy, contact the Flaxman Law Group. The Flaxman Law Group is a full service law firm, offering representation and legal advice in a variety of practice areas. To discuss your case with a qualified attorney, contact the Flaxman Law Group today to arrange for a free accident consultation.