Driving Again After a Car Accident

Many drivers the country sustain a car accident sometime during the year. If you are one of these drivers, getting back behind the wheel can be a nerve-racking thing. It is normal to have some apprehension if you’ve been injured in a car accident or have been part of a particularly bad accident. Car accidents not only leave physical injuries, but emotional ones as well. If you’re finding it hard to get back on the road, follow these tips for safe driving after an accident:

1) Get a full check-up from a doctor. Even if you have no obvious injuries, a brain injury or another serious injury can affect your ability to drive after an accident. As soon as possible after your accident, visit your physician and get a full check up. You may have sustained an injury that affects your ability to drive and it is best to determine this up front. Even if you have no injury but are having trouble with the emotional after effects of an accident, a physician can often help you find the support you need.

2) If you have sustained an injury, speak to your physician about driving again. If you have sustained an injury from your car accident, make sure that you don’t get back behind the wheel of the car until you’re ready. Talk your doctor about resuming driving. If you’re taking medication for your injuries, make sure that you discuss with your doctor when you can drive again. Some medication can make you dizzy or less alert, and it can be dangerous to drive when on this type of medication.
3) Take it slow. If you have been in a car accident, it is normal to have mixed feelings about driving again. You may wish to gradually ease back into driving. Consider taking short drives along unfrequented routes, for example, or consider driving with a trusted friend until you get your confidence back. Consider relying on car pooling or a friend to drive you around until you’re fully confident behind the wheel. Getting behind the wheel before you’re ready can lead to another accident, especially if you panic when faced with an unexpected event on the road.

4) Get some support if you need it. If you have sustained a serious burn injury or another serious injury, it is normal to have a great deal of apprehension about driving. Even if you’ve sustained a minor injury or have been in just a minor accident, it is common to feel hesitant about your driving abilities and about the safety of the roads. If you’re having trouble dealing with the aftermath of an accident, tell your doctor and get some help from a professional who can help you to talk out your worries.

5) Consider getting some additional training. Getting some race school classes not only makes you more confident on the road, but it can actually help you avoid accidents. Defensive driver training can lower your insurance costs, in some cases, and can help you feel more confident that you will be able to avoid a car accident the next time.