Florida Car Accident Statistics

According to the Florida Highway Patrol 2004 Florida car accident statistics, which are the latest year for which the statistics are available, Florida saw a high number of accidents in 2004:

1) There were 252,902 Florida accidents involving cars in 2004. In fact, Florida saw an average of 691 car accidents a day in 2004.

2) Some drivers had multiple accidents. In total, 376,111 drivers were involved in Florida car accidents.

3) There were 2,936 fatal Florida car accidents in 2004. 3,257 drivers lost their lives in these accidents. There were also 142,388 car accidents causing bodily injury. In these crashes, 227,192 Florida drivers sustained a personal injury of some kind.

4) In 2004, 23,000 Florida car accidents were found to be Florida drunk driving accidents. These accidents claimed 1, 093 lives and injured 17,580 passengers and motorists.

5) There were 8,084 Florida pedestrian accidents in 2004. These accidents caused 7, 551 personal injuries and 504 fatalities.

6) There were 5,203 bicycle accidents involving cars in 2004. 119 of these crashes were fatal. 4,820 bicyclists were injured in Florida bicycle accidents in 2004.

7) There were 7,367 Florida motorcycle accidents in 2004, resulting in 388 fatalities. In 6,558 of these accidents, serious injuries were sustained.