Are Miami Injuries to Minors and Children on the Wane?
According to a recent new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fatal injuries among US children are the on the decline, falling nearly 30% in the past ten years. However, the same study found that infant suffocation and fatal poisoning among teens have actually increased across the country. Despite some of the good news, however, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still reports that unintentional injuries are still the leading cause of death for children and minors across the US. These injuries claimed more than 9000 lives in 2009 alone.
According to the study, the rate of fatal unintentional injuries among minors in the US was almost twice the rate in other developed nations listed by the World Health Organization. Car accidents also continue to be a major cause of concern. While the incidents of car accidents declined 41% between 2000 and 2009, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, car accidents continue to be the leading cause of fatalities to minors.
According to the CDC, improved training programs for new drivers and new safety technology for cars has improved the fatality rates but there is still much work to be done. In 2009 alone, statistics show that car accidents accounted for 67% of unintentional injury fatalities for the 5-19 years old age group and 28% of fatalities for those in the 15-19 age group.
Despite the statistics, the CDC and other experts agree that there is much that parents can do to help prevent Miami injuries to teens and children:
1) Keep medication in a safe place. According to the CDC, poisoning fatalities have jumped almost 91% between 2000 and 2009 for those between the ages of 15 and 19. In many cases, these occur due to overdoses of prescription drugs, so storing and using prescription medication is crucial in preventing these types of incidents.
2) Keep toys and bedding out of infant cribs, and be scrupulous about using safe cribs. According to the CDC, the infant suffocation rate increased 54% between 2000 and 2009. Many of these deaths are preventable if an infant is put to sleep in a safe crib, on their back, alone, and with no soft bedding, toys, or other hazards.
3) Let children ride the back seat of the car and use age-appropriate safety restraints. Miami car accidents are still a leading cause of injuries, including Miami brain injuries. Using child safety seats and then booster seats when applicable ensures that in the event of an accident a child is kept safer from harm.
4) Use proper supervision. In many cases, accidents can be avoided if children are carefully supervised. Using babysitting services and setting up a supervision system with family can help ensure that children stay safe.
If you believe that your child has suffered a serious injury due to someone’s recklessness or negligence, contact the Flaxman Law Group to find out about your rights. Under Florida law, you may be eligible for compensation that can help you afford quality medical care for your child and can help you with other resources you may need after the injury. The Flaxman Law Group is pleased to offer an initial free accident consultation to all new clients.