Preventing Florida Car Accidents Involving Motorcycles

According to reports and studies by the Traffic Safety Center Hurt Study, up to three-quarters of all motorcycle and car collisions occur because drivers do not see motorcycles in time to prevent a collision. For this reason, the majority of Florida car accidents involving motorcycles are considered highly preventable.

The Florida Motorcycle Safety Campaign and other campaigns like it across the country have been created to help prevent motorcycle accidents. However, they have not been able to prevent the majority of these accidents. Unfortunately, Florida motorcycle accidents disproportionately affect motorcycle drivers. While most passenger car drivers in such accidents are unhurt, motorcycle riders in collisions with cars often become Florida brain injury patients or sustain serious burn injuries, fractures, amputations, or spinal cord injuries.

The financial cost to car drivers is high as well. The Traffic Safety Center Hurt Study reports that less than 10% of motorcycle riders have adequate insurance that would pay for property damage and medical costs in an accident. As well, many Florida motorcycle accidents are deemed to be the fault of the car driver. As a result of both issues, passenger car drivers tend to pay financially for these collisions.

Preventing Florida motorcycle accidents should involve everyone. Motorcycle riders can help by wearing a helmet and obeying traffic laws. Helmets can help prevent serious brain injuries in the event of a collision and increase the chances of surviving an accident. As well, obeying laws is very important. Since motorcycles are more flexible and much smaller, riders need to be extra patient and follow rules rather than trying to weave around stalled traffic and rather than trying to take other risks which can result in an accident. Wearing reflective and highly visible clothing can also help other drivers on the road.

Car drivers, too, have a part to play in preventing Florida motorcycle accidents. Staying extra alert on the road is crucial. Motorcycles, after all, are not quiet or that small. Drivers need to stay alert and aware of all the vehicles they share the road with – including motorcycles, bicycles, emergency vehicles, and other specialized vehicles. Other vehicles may require extra cautious driving or additional distance. For example, drivers may wish to give motorcycles some additional space, in case a rider makes an unexpected move. A little extra room in such a situation can help prevent a serious accident.

If you have been injured in a Florida motorcycle accident, contact the legal team at the Flaxman Law Group. With offices in Miami, Hollywood, and Homestead and a track record of thousands of successful personal injury cases completed across South Florida, the Flaxman Law Group is poised to help. Call today to arrange for a free initial consultation to find out if you have a case.