How You Can Prevent Miami Drunk Driving Accidents This Holiday Season

Miami takes extra steps to prevent Miami car accidents caused by drinking and driving during the holiday season. Unfortunately, holiday parties and events can increase the number of DUI accidents on the city’s roads. It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent these types of Miami traffic accidents and there are many things you can do to help prevent DUI accidents this holiday season:

1) Carry extra cash in your wallet. Place this money apart from the rest of your money, perhaps in a separate pocket or behind some of your ID, so that you will not spend it. Having extra cash ensures that you always have money towards a taxi, so that there is no excuse for getting behind the wheel of your car after you have been drinking.

2) Have more than one safe way to get home at all times. In many instances, public transportation or even a taxi may not be an option – especially if you are well outside the city. In your glove compartment, keep a range of taxi phone numbers, cash for taxis, information about bus routes, motel room information, and a list of friends you can call for a safe drive home. The more safe options you have, the more likely you are to choose a safe alternative to get home.

3) Prepare to drink – even if you don’t plan on drinking. It’s easy to assume that you will not drink at a holiday party and will therefore be able to get yourself home. However, once at that party you may be tempted to drink or you may end up unwittingly drinking a holiday punch that is full of brandy. Don’t assume that you will be able to drive yourself home; always have options and cash on hand.

4) Consider taking a no-drinking-and-driving pledge with friends. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) as well as other organizations make such pledges available. Signing a pledge and promising not to drink and drive can help you consider the risks of Miami drunk driving accidents and can help you make the right choice.

5) Talk to your children about drinking and driving. Don’t assume that just because your children are under the legal age of drinking that they are safe from Miami drunk driving accidents. Underage drinking is a very real problem, and even if your teens do not drink, they may get in a car with a driver who has been drinking. Discuss the dangers of drinking and driving with your children and have your children promise to call you rather than driving home with someone who has been drinking. Make sure that you praise, rather than punish, your children for making the right decision if they do call you for a safe drive home.

6) Be responsible when serving alcohol at your holiday parties. If someone is in a drunk driving accident after leaving a party where you served alcohol, you could be held partly liable, and a Miami premises liability claim will make your holidays very unpleasant. Consider holding alcohol-free parties. If that is not an option, stop serving alcohol early and make sure that everyone has a safe way to get home.

The Flaxman Law Group wishes you and your family a safe and happy holiday season. If you are injured or require the services of a Miami personal injury attorney over the holidays, the Flaxman Law Group phones will continue to be staffed so that you can reach someone in order to arrange for your free, no-obligation consultation.