Could Fort Lauderdale Reduce Pedestrian Accidents By Adopting a Pedestrian Safety Plan?

Chicago recently unrolled its pedestrian safety plan, joining the ranks of cities such as Portland and New York, which have their own plans for preventing serious pedestrian accidents. The Chicago plan has 250 recommendations to prevent injuries and fatalities. Could Fort Lauderdale benefit from a similar plan? Some of the recommendations in the Chicago policy could help prevent Fort Lauderdale pedestrian accidents as well:

1) Chicanes. Chicanes are extra turns added to a roadway to slow traffic down. Since in many cases Fort Lauderdale traffic accidents are caused by speeding, reducing traffic speed can be a good way to slash the risk of accidents.

2) Pedestrian islands. In some cases, Fort Lauderdale pedestrian accidents occur because a car enters a pedestrian area. Pedestrian islands keep pedestrians separated from cars and discourage pedestrians from entering traffic.

3) Midblock curb bumpouts. These narrow portions of a street to slow traffic, usually by extending the curb. This is yet another way to reduce speed in order to help prevent Fort Lauderdale car accidents.

4) A system for repairing two high-collision areas and four dangerous intersections each year. The Chicago plan calls for authorities to find and address dangerous intersections and corridors annually. Fort Lauderdale also has high collision areas and areas that are considered especially dangerous. Identifying and rectifying these problems can help prevent traffic accidents.

5) Speed humps. Reducing speed with speed bumps is effective, according to experts, because speed bumps work whether there is enforcement or not. Most cars will slow down rather than taking speed bumps at a high speed, making them more effective than simply lowering the speed limits.

6) Pedestrian scrambles. A pedestrian scramble stops all vehicle traffic at an intersection and allows pedestrians to walk in every direction at the same time. Pedestrians can even walk diagonally. Pedestrian scrambles work because they prevent pedestrians and cars from sharing an intersection at the same time. It helps prevent Fort Lauderdale pedestrian accidents caused by cars turning into a pedestrian area.

7) Road diets. Road diets reduce the number of lanes on some roads, reducing traffic and therefore crashes. Former Florida Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Dan Burden is a fan of road diets, noting that they improve road safety and may help prevent Fort Lauderdale bicycle accidents and Florida traffic accidents.

8) Roundabouts. These round intersections separate pedestrians from traffic entirely, by having pedestrians stay one car length outside of the intersection. When crossing this type of intersection, pedestrians only face oncoming traffic from one area and traffic is slowed down significantly in roundabouts, which could also reduce the risk of Fort Lauderdale traffic accidents.

9) An improved pedestrian network, including wayfinding systems and better walking access points to public transit. In some cases, Fort Lauderdale pedestrian accidents occur simply because pedestrians do not have safe areas to walk. For example, some neighborhoods do not have adequate sidewalks.

If you have been injured in a Fort Lauderdale traffic accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group. The Flaxman Law Group is a full-service law firm with three convenient locations. The experienced legal team at the Flaxman Law Group have decades of experience helping thousands of South Florida personal injury victims. Your initial consultation with the Flaxman Law Group is free and comes with no obligation, so you risk nothing by contacting us to get the facts about your rights and options.