Can Florida End Distracted Driving to Reduce Hallandale Crashes?
According to the Florida Highway Patrol, distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in the state. It is no surprise to drivers, who may see drivers talking on their cell phones and making major driving mistakes such as changing lanes without looking or driving through a red light. The Florida Highway Patrol suggests there are many things that drivers can do to help prevent Florida and Hallandale Beach car accidents caused by distracted driving. Among their recommendations: keep your eyes on the road, limit the amount of cell phone use in the car, and use hands-free phones where possible.
These are great tips and may possibly help drivers prevent a Hallandale Beach truck accident or car accident – but do they go far enough in stamping out distracted driving? One reason that the Florida Highway Patrol has made the recommendations is that Florida laws currently do not ban cell phone use or even texting while driving. Even though numerous studies have suggested that use of mobile devices while driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving, it is legal in Florida to drive while talking or texting on a phone.
Just because it is legal, however, does not make it a good idea. Many Hallandale Beach truck accidents and car accidents each year are caused by distracted drivers using mobile devices. Putting away a mobile device when hopping into a car is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of a traffic accident. Even just glancing at a mobile device for “a few seconds” or using hands-free devices has been shown to increase the risk of an accident substantially.
Even if it were possible to pass legislation to ban texting and cell phone use while driving, safety experts still say that distracted driving would be an issue. While recent discussions about distracted driving have focused on cell phone use – admitted a serious concern – distracted driving in fact encompasses a much wider idea. Experts agree that any action which distracts a driver from the road can be potentially fatal. Applying cosmetics, eating, drinking, speaking with passengers, daydreaming, changing the radio station and dozens of other actions can remove a driver’s focus from driving long enough to cause a Hallandale Beach bicycle accident or traffic accident. However, since the focus has been on mobile devices, there has not been extensive research conducted to determine which distractions are the most prevalent and dangerous. While many drivers are starting to get the message about cell phone use while driving, many drivers do not consider the many other distractions which can be just as deadly.
More does need to be done to alert drivers about the dangers of any type of distraction while driving. One reason why the focus may currently be on cell phones is because it is possible to document this type of distraction. If a driver causes an accident because they were talking on a cell phone, phone records may show the texts and calls placed, helping police to determine what happened. In cases where a driver was distracted for some other reason, the evidence may not be apparent during a Hallandale Beach personal injury claim.
If you have been injured in a Hallandale Beach traffic accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free, no obligation case evaluation.