Going from Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Victim to Survivor
Some people who survive a Fort Lauderdale personal injury – whether in a car accident, slip and fall, or Fort Lauderdale truck accident – are victims while others are survivors. Which would you rather be? It is not just semantics. Injury survivors often go on to be a source of inspiration and even advocates for others. Victims may suffer for years due to their injuries. Often, it comes down to the difference in response to an accident. There are several things that survivors do to help get a new lease on life after an injury:
1) They get educated. Fort Lauderdale personal injury survivors learn as much as they can about their condition, about treatment options, and about their rights and options. This way, they can pursue the treatments and the courses of action that best serve them in the future. After a devastating injury, such as a Fort Lauderdale head injury or burn injury, learning as much as possible is important as it ensures that you have the facts you need to make informed decisions in your case.
2) They get help. Fort Lauderdale personal injury survivors know that they are responsible for their recovery but that they need a good support system to help them. Survivors are often adept at gathering a good support system – including friends, family, therapists, medical professionals, formal supports groups, and a Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorney. A good support system provides the emotional, financial, physical, and legal support an injured person needs to recover as fully as possible after an injury.
3) They get financial resources. In many cases, getting quality medical care and help comes down to finances. Many treatments are very expensive and injured parties may face lost income or permanent income potential reduction as a result of their injuries. Some Fort Lauderdale spinal cord injury patients, for example, may face medical bills of more than $100 000 in the first year of treatment alone – and that figure does not include lost income and home care. Fort Lauderdale brain injury patients may face a lifetime of income loss or reduction as well as expensive surgery and rehabilitation. In many cases, injured parties work with Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys to secure settlements or compensation so that they can pay for the expenses of their injuries. This allows Fort Lauderdale personal injury survivors to focus on healing, not on money.
4) They find a reason or mission. Many Fort Lauderdale personal injury survivors becomes advocates, working with other injury survivors or agitating for fairer treatment for injured parties. In many cases, survivors make a very positive change in the world around them and help many others through their work.
If you have sustained a serious injury, don’t become a victim. Become a survivor. The first step is to focus on healing as fully as possible. To start, contact the Flaxman Law Group to find out about your options and rights. The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group is proud to have worked with thousands of personal injury survivors. Contact the legal team today to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your injuries and your future.