Create a Plan Now to Prevent Back-to-School Injuries
The stores are full of back-to-school gear right now, but getting ready for school is about a lot more than choosing the right backpack or this season’s jeans. Back to school means a new routine and new challenges. It can also mean a risk of injuries and traffic accidents in Homestead and your community. As kids head back to classes, it can mean more pedestrians in the mornings and a busy school run – both things can increase your risks of a collision. Here’s how to reduce your risk:
1) Create a walk-safe system for your kids.
Child injury in Homestead and other communities can easily happen if your children walk to school. Before sending your child out, walk the school route with your child a few times, taking note of any hazards along the way. If your child is young, consider having them walk to school with friends, since groups of children may be easier for motorists to spot.
2) Review pedestrian safety.
This is a good time to review pedestrian safety, especially since children walking to school are at risk of pedestrian accidents in Homestead and other communities. To go beyond the usual “look both ways” tips, check out the University of Florida Resource Center, a site with interactive learning activities related to pedestrian safety. Another good resource is Safe Kids Worldwide, a website with videos and other teaching tools.
3) Plan your route to school.
If you will be dropping children off at school, plan your route carefully. What streets will see least traffic? Which ones are safest? Does your child’s school have a drop-off zone where you can leave your child safely?
4) Plan ahead to take care of early-morning fatigue and distraction.
One of the big risks with the start of autumn is that everyone’s schedules tend to get a little bit more busy. That can mean hectic mornings and early-morning fatigue. Since fatigued driving leads to Homestead and Florida roadway crashes, you will want to tackle this risk factor. Good time management can ensure that you get adequate sleep, for example, while setting out clothing, school lunches, and backpacks for kids the night before can make mornings a little less stressful. Another solution is to use school buses or carpooling to get your kids to school safely. These take the pressure off you and may be a safer option.
5) Make sure you understand the risks of early-morning and afternoon car accidents.
Even if you do not have children, back to school season could affect you more than you realize. More children on the roads during the afternoon and morning as well as more parents dropping kids off and more school buses on the streets can still increase your risk of a crash. Check to see whether there are schools on your usual morning commute. If so, there will be more traffic in these areas in the mornings and afternoons. Even if you do not drive by schools, stay aware and alert. There will be more students walking to school and more traffic in the mornings and afternoons.
Have you or your child been injured in a pedestrian or traffic collision? To find out what resources and legal options exist, contact Flaxman Law Group to discuss your concerns and your rights with a member of our legal team.