Wrong Way Accidents Preventable, But Far Too Common in Florida
Wrong way accidents in Homestead, Tampa, and other Florida cities are a major cause of concern. In the past year, for example, in the Tampa area eleven people were killed in wrong way collisions on just a few sections of the same highway. According to local authorities, wrong way accidents are a common problem in the area as well as in other communities.
According to experts, there are several issues that could contribute to wrong way accidents:
1) Poor road design. Road design that allows cars easily cross barriers or drive the wrong way on streets can contribute to wrong way accidents. In addition, unclear road markings can also mean that drivers end up driving on the wrong side of the road.
2) Driver error. Driver error is a major cause of wrong way accidents. Divers may be distracted and may not notice that they are headed the wrong way or they may purposely make a U-turn and drive the wrong way in order to avoid having to take a long detour. Errors such as these can prove deadly when they cause collisions.
3) Interstate construction zones. Construction and road work can be confusing for drivers, especially if adequate signage is not used. In many road working construction situations, drivers must drive on the wrong side of the road as lanes are closed and traffic is detoured. If this happens, it is important for construction companies and municipalities to provide adequate signage so that drivers can easily see which way to drive.
4) Lack of signage. In Tampa Bay, authorities have suggested that making wrong-way signs larger or more visible, especially at exit ramps, could help prevent wrong way collisions. Some safety experts claim that drivers cannot see some Florida road signs, especially in low light and dark conditions if signs are not large enough or not clear enough.
5) Drunk driving. Drunk driving in Miami, Tampa, and other Florida communities appears to a major factor in many fatal wrong way accidents, according to statistics. Many wrong turn collisions that have led to injuries have been found to involve at least one driver. Drivers who are under the influence may not notice signs and may enter oncoming lanes or may make poor decisions about which lane to drive. Either way, there is a clear correlation between drunk driving and wrong way collisions, according to experts.
Have you been injured by a driver heading the wrong way? If so, you may have a legal claim that allows you to seek compensation for your medical costs, lost income, and other expenses. To find out more, contact the attorneys at Flaxman Law Group to arrange a free accident consultation to discuss your case. Our attorneys have more than six decades of experience as well as a track record of recovering more than $100 million in court wins and settlements on behalf of plaintiffs. You can put this experience to work you for you today. Just contact our compassionate and professional legal staff for details and yoru free case review.